
Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Preview of the New Martha's Country Bakery

A little something to whet your appetites... It opens Friday morning.


  1. Is Martha's still Kosher? And if so, does that mean they do not use butter in ther baked desserts? I find their cakes have sort of a off-taste, not buttery at all. Anyone else notice this?

  2. no idea if they are or were kosher. tasted great to me

  3. A bakery can be kosher and use butter. It just means that it is a dairy bakery, and therefore you would not be able to serve their desserts at a meal that had meat (one part of kosher is not to have milk and meat at the same table). Also, if Marthas was kosher, it also means they don't use any meat products in the baked products, no lard, or animal based gelatin.

  4. Kosher food tastes awful so my guess is that its not Kosher.

    1. Very ignorant. Kosher food can be amazing or not good just like non-Kosher food. Do some research before you say ignorant things.

    2. Had kosher pizza and wine in the past and both were awful. Not stereotyping but it was two for two. Maybe recommend some good kosher places around here?

  5. The Martha's bakery in Forest Hills is absolutely, positively kosher! Just look at the kashruth certification posted prominently in the front. I don't know if thats the reason why many of their cakes don't taste that great though.

    1. All of their cakes taste delicious. It's not a kosher place.

  6. I don't know who thinks Kosher food tastes awful but clearly it's someone who doesn't know what "Kosher" means.

  7. congrats to Martha's Bakery....gr8 stuff

  8. Just too bad they changed the place and got a bigger one. Even if it was small, still it felt very cozy the way it was. :(

  9. I love what they did with the new place. Almost reminds me of Roccos in the village......
