
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Flown the Coop

My friend says this is his second sighting of our local chicken, this time at Continental Ave. & Dartmouth. Perhaps he escaped from a KFC or Popeyes, the Queens Zoo, or one of those pots of chicken soup I always smell my neighbors cooking up? Boy, I am getting hungry again now. What's wrong with me?


  1. crossing queens blvdJune 22, 2012 at 10:52 AM


    I don't think a chicken can pass a coop interview. Probably a resident of a local condo.

  2. it's coop, not co-op. flown the coop is an expression. hahaha

  3. crossing queens blvdJune 22, 2012 at 12:46 PM

    Yes, I know the difference between coop and co-op but thought a clever comment would be appreciated.

    1. Thanks for the quip. I wish that is what I had in mind when I wrote the headline, but lo and behold I did not!

  4. I understood crossing queens blvd's joke and laughed. I saw the chicken a few weeks ago (Continental and Burns). I heard from someone that it's been hanging around station square for about 2 months now. Drake, where did your friend see it the first time?

    1. ....I also forgot to say that I heard a "cluck" come from the bushes by the LIRR on Burns a few mornings ago, but didn't see it.

    2. I don't know where he saw it the first time.

  5. What did the chicken do when he crossed Queens Blvd, the Blvd of Death? He's TOAST.

    1. Much of my time is now spent imagining just how intoxicated some commenters are when they are typing away here on EOTC, especially late at night. I see for you your night began early - around 4:38 p.m.

  6. Doubt he escaped a KFC, that would require them to use actual chickens in their "food"

  7. The chicken has been around for over a month maybe over 2. You can usually find it in the private park for the Tennis View Apts or around the LIRR hills. It has dug out a little hole to sit in in the park and someone is leaving it food and water there.

    Forest Hills is the place to be
    Farm living is the life for me

  8. The chicken has been around for over a month maybe over 2. You can usually find it in the private park for the Tennis View Apts or around the LIRR hills. It has dug out a little hole to sit in in the park and someone is leaving it food and water there.

    Forest Hills is the place to be
    Farm living is the life for me

  9. Considering City now allows the maintaining of up to six hens at a single family residence, I'm surprised thiese sightings are not more common.

    Not an egg eater..


    1. Perhaps you are not an egg eater but you are extremely well informed about eggs, I must say.

  10. escaped from local cockfight
