
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Busy Sunday Morning in FoHi

Boy, there's a lot going on for a Sunday morning. I think we are going to have to add a special weekend shift here at EOTC.

I'll try to type through my foggy Sunday morning brain.

Some sort of mishap with the Chase Bank at the corner of 71st Continental and Queens Blvd. The entire window was shattered and they were replacing it this morning. Either another crazy Saturday night driver or an attempted "smash and grab" heist? Or perhaps a local street youth had too much to drink and fell into the window during his drunken stumble home. I, myself, just do not know. Perhaps one of you do?

And, here, for you fanatical waffle fans, are a bunch of photos of that waffle truck you all seem to adore so much, parked for the second Sunday in a row on 71st/Continental.

And finally, another Sunday at the delightful FoHi Farmer's Market... My second breakfast this morning (I think the hobbits refer to it as "elevenses") included a blueberry muffin from Bread Alone, and an almond croissant from those guys, too. I wasn't supposed to eat the croissant, but another member of my household passed on it and I couldn't resist. Oh, I also nabbed a bunch of nectarines for the second week in a row (they were among the best I've ever had when I got them there last weekend), and some local honey.

Update: Someone tweeted me that a homeless man smashed the window of the bank. Not sure yet how they know. Trying to find out.

Also, I forgot to mention earlier that I noticed Piu Bello (or Biu Bella, as someone said they are called now) is open again after being shut by the health inspectors. That's one restaurant that has nine lives if I ever saw one.


  1. How Piu Bello manages to stay in business is beyond me. There is never more than 2 or 3 people in there at any given moment! Odd.

  2. Wafels and Dinges is the BEST WAFFLES!!!!!!!

    I'm so glad it's finally in FoHi

    1. They said they will be here every Sunday (8 a.m. - 10 p.m.) for the rest of the summer to someone else while I was standing on line for my delicious waffle.

      I was thrilled because I thought the twitter meant 8 to 10 a.m. and that I missed a 2 hour window of opportunity.

  3. yea its a good sign that one of the more popular Manhattan food trucks has shown interest in the hood..hope they do well and spread the word :)

    loving the green market but forest hills folks please remember your manners..lots of coughing without covering, pushing and shoving yesterday..really uncivilized yesterday

    1. Didn't notice the coughing, but I did notice some people at the Bread Alone stand acting like Armageddon was upon us and they needed the bread for their shelter. They weren't pushing, but the intensity and panic in their faces and body movements as they tried to secure bread for themselves or their families was rather amusing. Especially considering that, while I am sure Bread Alone has good bread, it most likely doesn't compare to our very own La Boulangerie, just a few minutes walk down Austin Street. Boulangerie's bread is made fresh daily, and even more locally than anything found in the Green Market. It's made right here in Forest Hills.

    2. totally agree Drake! I think La Boulangerie is amazing..we are in there every Saturday and would probably go more often if I wasnt watching my carbs!

      the pushing, shoving thing was was later in the day then we usually get there..I think all the stands still had plenty of product left to sell and people were acting like they were fighting for their last meal..I couldnt wait to get out of there it was so unpleasant

    3. Well now hold your horsies.... I wouldn't go so far to say it was in any way "unpleasant!" The Farmer's Market has undoubtedly been one of the most pleasant things I have EVER been able to do in Forest Hills on a Sunday morning. I was just thinking that this past Sunday as I walked home with all the stuff I bought. I just had to wait my turn at the bread guys to buy what I wanted. Through the corner of my eye I noticed a couple of people who looked a bit more intense about the experience than was warranted. Everyone else was having a fabulous time. No, I think the Greenmarket is one of the most laid back, coolest thing to happen to our neighborhood in a long, long time. Totally wouldn't use the term "unpleasant" with it in any way, shape or form.

    4. oh it was unpleasant this week lol trust me I usually really enjoy it but I am not gonna pretend that people pushing and shoving to get to a head of lettuce or a tomato is acceptable

    5. I wrote a sarcastic response, but then went back and re-read your post so I deleted my sarcasm. A lot of people use this blog just to be negative about anything new that comes in to Forest Hills. But when I re-read your comment I think you are being legit. So if you read it, my apologies.

      Now, as for discourteous behavior by the shoppers at the Farmer's Market this past Sunday, all I can say is, when I was at Bread Alone, I did have to wait my turn for several minutes (which in 2012 seems like an eternity). It could just be the free-natured table picking of the market inspires a bit more chaos than locals are used to when shopping. But as I stood there and waited, I did have to tell myself that it's a Sunday morning - I'm in no hurry. Just stop and smell the flowers, or in this case, the fruits and veggies.

    6. I did read it..its ok :)

      I love new things coming to FH and I was being legit :)

  4. Forget Piu Bello. Everything that has been in that location has been a disaster. I always liked how the place changed names but the menu and food stayed the same. The bartenders always gave away the place hoping for bigger tips. The last time I was there (3 years ago)' they had lost their liquor license. Why you would open a business at a cursed site is crazy. EOTC should have a death pool on some of these places from the get-go. I think Gloria's is already running a death clock.

    1. Why? What is this obsession people have with Gloria Pizza not doing well? The place is always crowded. And, perhaps this is a small important detail: the pizza is excellent! Let's see, i've had their Grandma (or margarita) - great; regular slice (great); sicilian (awesome, the dough is so fluffy, yum); Buffalo Chicken pizza (amazing)... I can go on and on and on.. A great new place.

    2. Yes, by Austin Street standards it's good Pizza. I've tried the pizza, it's okay. There was some foot traffic, but no crowd. Do you want good pizza, a place that's crowded, try Lillian's. This Forest Hills gem is in the middle of nowhere; it's crowded, the pizza is great and you practically have to know somebody to know when their open.


    3. Gloria pizza isn't competing with Lillian's. I personally don't like the grease that comes off of Lillian's so it's obviously subjective as to which is better (IMHO Gloria is better) but objectively, Gloria is better than A & J, which is their only competitor (nick's doesn't do slices, nor delivers so not exactly a competitor). The lack of a cheap cardboard sign on the window is also a tad more tactful than AJ. Anyway, as long as Gloria tastes better and is more easily accessible than their immediate competitor, they'll be fine.

    4. strange- I think the grease that pours off gloria's pizza is nasty..Lillians is far less greasy and much tastier
      Never ate at A&J

      I hope Gloria does well even though I dont like it..its bad for the neighborhood to have these places go under

    5. strange- I really don't like consuming grease. Never found it tasty. Hmmm, so why would I love the pizza from Gloria? Makes you think, doesn't it.

      Lillians is excellent pizza - just not very convenient to much of us who live near the Blvd.

    6. no I am not thinking about it..the few times we got a pie from gloria there was a huge pool of grease in the middle and the bottom was soaked,

      I stil wish them well!

  5. crossing queens blvd.July 30, 2012 at 2:19 PM

    The Forest Hills restaurant "death pool" clearly starts with Old Vienna Cafe.

  6. Piu Bello (or Biu Bella) already went into bankruptcy sale where the good greek place is now which is very good. It beats the old Piu Bello that was there by a long shot in terms of food quality and service quality and cleanliness.

    As far as the other location, it was a poor quality place too that they took over, and apparently health inspectors shut it down a few times at different locations.

    I hope this time will be the last and something new and good will come in for the future.

  7. Piu Bello used to be packed at the old location.

    But I do predict it will fail again.

    1. crossing queens blvd.July 30, 2012 at 2:47 PM

      It was packed because there was no Martha's Country Bakery.

  8. Martha's was open when Piu Bello was packed inside.

    1. It was packed until Health Dept came out with A,B,C ratings.

  9. Forest Hills has a few decent finds in restaurants.

    I like the Singapore noodles with shrimp and chicken at Jade with the Kani salad. Service at Jade is excellent with nice waitresses.

    Would definitely go back.

  10. kinda funny -the only threads that get comments are always food related lol

    1. And those about roosters:
