
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

More on Jack & Nellie's

Here's a link to an article in about the new wine bar coming into the spot on Ascan where Q Bistro used to be: Upscale Wine Bar Coming to Forest Hills

By the way, here's some other local restaurant-related news:

1) I heard that La Boulangerie celebrated Bastille Day over the weekend by making fresh crepes out in front of the store. Too bad I missed that!
2) I also heard that Piu Bello, located on the corner across from the Post Office, has been shut down by the health department. The biggest question I had about this place is how did it last this long given that every time I passed by there were just a few people in it.

By the way, some people have commented on this blog that certain locations in Forest Hills are cursed — that no matter what goes in to them will fail. They cite locations like the one right next to the Midway Theater, which has changed hands like six times in the past several years and is now Gloria Pizza. Or the spot where Piu Bello is right now - or was.  I happen not to agree. Firstly, I think Gloria Pizza may just prove the naysayers wrong. Their pizza is really good for one thing. And every time I go in there it is fairly crowded. So I think Gloria may be here to stay.

Also, the value of the location where Piu Bello is just went way up thanks to the success of the new Farmer's Market, which is bringing droves of people to the area in front of the restaurant every Sunday now.

What we need where Piu Bello is located is a high-quality, family-friendly, upscale diner-type eating establishment. (Yes, the kind that received the most votes in our recent poll right here on EOTC.) Just imagine in the nice Spring or Fall weather that restaurant there on a Sunday for brunch with all its windows open, maybe even people eating out in front (if allowed), while the Farmer's Market is open across the street. I'm getting a real Union Square vibe now.


  1. Gloria Pizza is busy now because it is still relatively new and people are curious. It will eventually fail after the novelty wears off. I give it 2 years tops. 18 months will probably be more accurate, but I am trying to cut it some slack. I am a realist. And to those that will respond by saying I am once again being a Debbie Downer, I will get the last laugh when it closes some time during 2014.

  2. Personally, I find the pizza at Gloria to be pretty good, as does Adam over at SLICE (a blog focused on the NYC Pizza Scene -- Obviously, this is nothing more than a matter of opinion, but passing Gloria 2 - 3 times/day, it seems that it is holding it's own.

    With that said, alot can happen in a year, so who is to say what will be by 2014.

    What I do know is that if Gloria does go out of business, I won't be laughing. There's nothing very funny about a small business owner not being able to make a go of it, especially when they put out a product that seems pretty good.

  3. FeeFee, you seem to revel in the idea of a small business failing. Your schadenfreude makes me wonder if you've had a lot of failure in your own life, which makes you cackle at the thought of others joining you.

    1. Nope. I have not had a lot of failure in my life, quite the contrary. And as I mentioned before, I am a realist. It's okay to say that things will fail when you believe that they will. I don't live in a cocoon of happy clouds and denial. Based on a few factors, I believe that Gloria Pizza will eventually close in less than two years. I didn't murder anyone I just sated what I personally believe to be true. I still find it mind-boggling how one gets constantly called out for stating an opinion that is not a thumbs up. I like and love many things, and I always hope that small businesses with something great to offer succeed, especially here, in this great neighborhood of FH.

    2. You do realize that Gloria was open for 20 years (at least) in flushing before the owner retired, thus closing the shop. And people didn't forget about that place for nearly 2 decades, with a lot of people in there patrons from 20 years ago. Plus they take credit cards, deliver and make good pizza, which is more than any local competition. You really think it'll fold just because the prior businesses made poor business decision? What makes you think A&J has a better shot at staying open? Further, this was primarily about jack and Nellie but you fixated on Gloria and how it will fail, rather than focus on more positive things like the new wine bar. That alone makes you a Debbie Downer. You must be so fun at parties.

    3. Take a look at FeFe's previous comments. Virtually every thing he/she says is negative/borderline offensive. I smell a troll.

  4. Piu Bello was where Agora is now. When they moved to the other corner, their name became Biu Bella. There was a corporate issue regarding the name. Regardless, looking forward to Jack & Nellies AND I hope FeeFee's predictable predictions are not as good as Jimmy the Greek's were!

    1. FeeFee doesn't know what he/she is talking about. Feefee predicted the spiderman movie would bomb and it had the second or third biggest opening ever. He/she just says negative things and hopes they stick. Sad indeed. Gotta feel sorry for those who don't believe anything good happens in the world.

  5. Now I'm a troll? OK, I give up.

  6. I don't think FeeFee is a troll. Stop ganging up on Feefee-you guys are being bullies. Is everyone still in High School around here???

  7. There's a lot of head scrathing about why a pizza place wouldn't make it next to a movie theater. Any ideas? It seems like it would be a natural for an after-movie snack. I hope the place makes it, though I'd like to see more variety of pizzas. A&J has a ton of different pizzas to try.

    1. Yes, I have an idea. Gloria Pizza will make it. So your comment is moot. Why wouldn't it make it? The place is crowded every time I walk by it or go in.

  8. I hope Jack & Nellie's will have live jazz. That would be a great addition to the neighborhood. Exo Lounge has a jazz act on Wednesdays but the people and vibe are just too loud to enjoy the music.

  9. Heard from a very reliable source that Jack & Nellies is opening today!

  10. I like your idea for upscale, family-friendly spot in piu bellos space. Union square feel would be great. Love the farmers market. Great addition to the hood.
