
Sunday, July 1, 2012

What's Going on at the Ole OTB?

 What is going on I ask you? We know there is a Red Mango going into the space on the corner. Here's some pics of the inside under construction:

But what is going in to the other part? We heard possibly 7-Eleven a few months ago, and then found out that was not a done deal. And me and my news-hounds think that space is kinda small for a 7-Eleven:

So, we shall see... It's all about as suspenseful as why construction on the "Windsor 2" condo, next to the Key Food, seems to have come to a grinding halt as of several weeks ago, leaving us all to have to squeeeeze in between that dreadful wall of wood and the newstand (especially challenging when the Lotto starts getting up there and the lines start to form). As if that block wasn't pleasant enough before with those sad, old stores, now we have a wooden wall with no sign it will be coming down any time soon...


  1. millers ale house?

  2. I wonder whether businesses are hesitant about the OTB space while the subway construction is going on. It might be tough to open something new while traffic and visibility are reduced. Still it's good to see Red Mango going forward. And if there's a Miller's Ale House going into Rego Park, that'd be fantastic. I'll be the first in line for some Zingers.

  3. could the stopping of construction have something to do with the MTA? Too deep for foundation?

  4. The sign in the subway says construction for the elevator wont be done until 2013. So i would guess any new biz would want to wait unt the mess is cleared up.
