
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Commenting on this Blog

I just wanted to correct some misconceptions about this blog. I have no patience for negative people. Life is too short. This is my choice as a human being. So, if you think you are going to visit this blog and just post comments deriding our neighborhood for no specific reason, you'll find your comments will be deleted or, in the worst cases, you will eventually be blocked. I don't do this out of anger. There are a lot of important things to be angry about in this world and this is far from one of them. Here's an example: the fact that countries are now trying to mine the North Pole for the oil that has appeared there after they melted the ice by burning oil in the first place.

So, no, I do not do this out of anger. I do this for pretty selfish reasons actually. I find negativity overall and negative people terribly boring. And if there is one thing I hate it is being bored, and having to spend time with boring people. I don't do that in my personal life, why would I want to read the comments of boring people here?

Now, be careful and note I am not saying you cannot post a negative comment about something here. Just try to make it about something specific. Try to refrain from things like writing off Forest Hills as "a mediocre neighborhood," or worse, as one fool did this morning. As long-time readers of this blog know, I am no blog Nazi. I have better things to be doing with my life than spending all my time deleting comments. So you have to be a pretty consistent 'Debbie Downer' to raise my ire and inspire my wrath.

Well, that's about all I had to say this morning. Now enjoy the blog and a big thank you to everyone who has helped me with this blog by emailing in news tips or photos—and by writing thoughtful comments as the overwhelming majority of you usually do. All of you have really made this blog a great resource for our neighborhood. Thank you and keep it up!


  1. Thanks for running the blog. I would like to add that there should be no political discussions either.

    1. You can add what you want, but as Captain Ahab so famously exclaimed: "There be political discussions here!!!!"

      So, like it or leave it. Politics is extremely interesting. Just because people do not agree about it, doesn't make it "bad."

      If you don't like political discussions, I have a great place for you: Vladimir Putin's Russia. It's a beautiful country, lots of space for you, though a bit chilly in the winter I hear.

      If political discussions for some reason make you so uncomfortable and you still want to read this blog, just ignore the posts and comments about them. But I suspect that you may be just the person who needs to learn more about politics.

      One of the main purposes of this blog is to let everyone know what is going on in our neighborhood. But just as important to me is to uncover wrongdoing in our society and bring it to light. And, sorry, but the longer I live the more I grow incensed at the horrible things the extreme right wing Republican Party is doing to our wonderful nation. I would guess by your desire to have me stop bringing what they are doing up, that you are one of them.

  2. "There are a lot of important things to be angry about in this world and this is far from one of them. Here's an example: the fact that countries are now trying to mine the North Pole..." Haha. "Drake" you are truly a pretentious ninny. Let me guess, the Republicans are somehow involved in this accd to your bible (The New York Times). You're just a typical FH douche/democrat shill. Obama don't blow up children in the middle east or pollute the atmosphere; its only the Republicans. God, you're pathetic. Now delete this comment and block me. You're totally predictable and pretentious and your blog is mediocre -- at best.

    1. Well, at least you weren't negative for just the sake of being so. You definitely have a lot of anger issues, but that's your problem not mine. Nope, I think I'll leave your comment. After all, it does my work for me. You really can't help yourself, can you? But I have a feeling you really, really try, but ... just ... can't ... do ... it!

    2. I can help myself. You have you're own issues that you deal with (just like myself and the rest of the world) including anger, which is evident in a lot of your hostile posts and snippy comments, but whatevs. I'll still read the blog to find out what's going on in the hood. How 'bout that? I hope that someday you get that indie coffee shop with the light jazz playing to sit in. LOLZ

  3. I am extremely grateful that there is a blog where I can find out the latest and greatest in our neighborhood. But oftentimes (too often IMHO) I have to wade through the political undertones expressed (by you and the readers), which I feel takes away the focus from what we should be focusing on here – Forest Hills.

    It is your blog, and you can choose to write whatever you wish. The same goes for me – I can choose to read whatever I wish. I just think this could be a better blog and community if we could separate Forest Hills from politics. Just my opinion.

  4. Thanks Drake. Hope my rant yesterday wasn't too long or annoying - never my intention. Long time lurker - first time commenter (as of yesterday). Keep up the great work!

  5. First time commenter also and this is exactly why I read this blog everyday. Please keep doing what you're doing. I've stopped reading other neighborhood blogs for the very reasons you cite. I don't mind if you delete negativity, as I won't read it anyway. Thanks Drake!!! Don't every leave the neighborhood!

  6. I really like most of this blog, because it is very informative about our neighborhood. However, like some people, I do agree that you often get way too political. You have a nice, thoughtful FH blog, and I don't think any of us visit for your political rants.

    1. hmmm, you say "like some people" and then "any of us" - which is it?

      Look forward to many more rants - with maybe a reduction in them after Obama is reelected and Romney is out of the picture and no longer provides me such easy fodder. Sorry.

  7. I love how people keep saying, "it's your blog, write whatever you want but it would be better...." . Um, it's Drake's blog. He is not a newspaper, he is not doing this for you, to inform you. He is doing this to share his view of the neighborhood, share whats happening in HIS neighborhood. If you want the blog to be different, feel free to start your own blog. I know I'm too lazy to start one myself. Drake, keep doing what you're doing! Love the blog!

  8. I appreciate the effort and info that you post on this blog. This is really the only blog that I read. I am happy to be part of the FH neighborhood, and I am happy that you take the time out to inform us of what is going on in our special area of Queens.

  9. Mr. Drake, you're not being open minded and should let people say what they want unless its vulgar, offensive or intended to hurt someone. Your political posts are VERY BORING and no one really comes to this blog to hear what you have to say about politics. We'll go to the NY Times for that. We just like hearing what stores are opening and closing in our neighborhood.

    Its sad that you cannot be courageous enough to allow people to speak their mind.

  10. Drake, thank you for the blog. I think it's great and I like your politics and your willingness to have a voice! That's what a blog is. For those who want information only, there are plenty of other sites (e.g. Forest Hills Patch). Drake is doing his own thing here and is refreshing to read. It's sad to see trolls trying to bring down a good thing. Drake does allow people to speak their minds, but as a blogger, he can speak his mind too. Make a choice, read and/or discuss, or find another site. Have a little respect for others. If you have no respect, please take your opinions elsewhere.
