
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Local Restaurant for Sale

A reader sent me this tip... Biu Bella, the restaurant that moved from where Agora Taverna is now to the space right across from the Post Office, is up for sale:
Coffee Shop/Restaurant - $400000 (Forest Hills - NY)


  1. Why would anyone move into that space? Kiss of death for restaurants.

    1. ARGH!!! (that was me screaming in agonizing frustration!) You are right - in this universe we live in, there are some restaurant spaces that have been cursed by the devil himself, because the devil or whatever other demon behind these curses chooses to direct all of his or her energies at the restaurant business. They do so because, as well all know, restauranteurs have committed such egregious sins over the years, as opposed to, say, bankers.

      Or... just maybe... in the world most mature, lucid-thinking adults live in, the explanation could just possibly lie in the fact the two restaurants that have been in this space over the past decade or so sucked big time.

  2. You have to read the sign carefully but it's actually Biu Bella.

  3. crossing queens blvd.September 4, 2012 at 10:11 AM

    Probably overpriced by about $390,000 based on the amount of customers I've seen there. For $400,000 they better throw in the Old Vienna Cafe space too.

    1. I think the extra $390,000 is based on the potential a prime location like that (and it is indeed prime, just see the crowds who swarm the area every sunday for the FoHi Farmer's Market as evidence) could make if the restaurant was actually really good. The space is perfect for a modern indie coffee shop, with its big windows that open up, etc.. perfect. Just the type of laid back location where that would work big time. Imagine some light jazz playing in the background as you sit back with a cup of coffee in a comfy couch, etc.. etc...

      Pretty much any type of restaurant could do great there. Imagine actually a really good diner-type place in that space and how it would kill on Sunday mornings for brunch with the Farmer's Market right across the street. Just what our neighborhood needs...

  4. It comes to 40000 a year for a 10 year lease.

    They are building new condos right behind it. A new retail space there makes sense, possibly adding more stories to it, especially due to the influx of more people from those condos. To me it makes more sense to buy the property than lease it and rebuild. I think it will be hard for them to lease it. Plus I think if it were to remain a restaurant, kosher makes more sense considering the religious facilities there.

    1. I heard more than one person on this blog mention new condos there. I'd be curious to know more about these potential plans. I checked the site out and didnt see any permits, let alone any information regarding these rumors. Thanks!

  5. I have not seen the Master Plan for the subway station; but after the elevators are constructed, I thought someone told me they were adding an exit at the P.O. corner?


  6. Maybe it will be "Upscale" Kosher. They could park a Knish and/or Swarma truck right outside. A coffee shop? Nice idea but it would have to compete with Dunkin Donuts, TWO Starbucks, Martha's and the new Europan or whatever name it will call itself when it opens.

    I am open to another coffee shop and I believe the traffic could warrant it ifit were marketed right. Now, whether or not Forest Hills would support it - I do not know. I would suggest if an "Upscale" coffee shop comes - NO laptops, NO wifi, etc. People should try talking to each other.

    I want to make a note because I read alot about UPscale on this blog. A bakery selling $2.50 to $ 5.00 loaves of bread - is NOT and I repeat NOT upscale. Bareburger is Organic and is NOT UPscale either. Morton's, Peter Lugers, LeCirque, Auriel, etc. are UPscale. Danny Browns is on the lower fringe of UPscale, everything else is mediocrity. This comment does not mean mediocrity is bad - I love to eat at a lot of moderately priced places - Tuscan Hills is a GREAT place but not UPscale. TuCasa has some of the best Spanish food around (it is not Mexican) but it is NOT Upscale. The Savoy and BlueFin border on the Upscale and would do well in Forest Hills. Norma's at LeMerdian is UpScale.

    But, while Forest Hills will travel to the Palm in Manhattan - there probably are not enough to support it here. What we need -and it is NOT upscale is a CARMINES. All the rest of the italian places except TuCasa are mediocore

    1. I think you're mixing this blog up with the Queens Neighbors message board, where there was some kind of debate about that term a while ago.

  7. I want to build something where that Restaurant is. Is is zoned for multiple stories?

    1. I asked the owner if he would be interested in selling the property rather than a 10 year lease on the Biu Bello space. Perhaps we could get some business partners together to open up something with multiple stories if zoning rights allow.

      Someone mentioned that the subway entrance may change to by the Post office but I don't think the subway even goes down that far.

      This area could use a nice revitalization which is in progress right now in certain locations.

  8. I have not seen the Master Plan for the subway station; but after the elevators are constructed, I thought someone told me they were adding an exit at the P.O. corner?

    They aren't going to excavate the tunnels in Forest Hills to further build out the subway, just add the elevators and rebuild a new entrance. As to location of it, who knows.

  9. On a good day there might be 3 people in there. And that's on a good day. The location is not great for a restaurant, anyway.

    1. Location is excellent, people just don't like the restaurant. It will get more traffic after the condos go up there as well. That whole section will get revitalized.

  10. I also don't think the location is cursed (the cursed location is where Gloria Pizza (which will close in less than 2 years) is), I just think the restaurant is not very good.

  11. I believe the entire Southside of Queens Blvd. is cursed. As to the Piu Bella location; there has been at least 5 establishments in that location over the last 10 years. I agree with the comment someone else made, that whole area is In need of redevelopment. The problem with the whole Austin Street experience is that after banks, salons & restaurants; there is not much left to get excited about or want to shop there.


  12. I've lived here for 28 years and NONE of the restaurants at that location over that period of time were a success...

  13. Verizon will eventually be selling off that Central Office. FIOS deployment is underway in town and the copper and Central Office will be eliminated. FIOS deployment is required by 2014. Forest Hills is in progress right now.

    So that Central Office and the whole strip of stores on that side are ripe for redevelopment down to the restaurant.

    I do predict it will be demolished at some point in time. The starting point will be the new condos coming in on that parcel.

    One can redo that section really nicely along with the new station entrance when it is completed for the subway.

    Unclear if that space will remain a restaurant in the future, but that whole section I predict will get gutted in the future especially as the economy picks up.

    Lane towers already is redoing the OTB space. Come back to 2015, and I hope it looks a lot different with major redevelopment in tow.

  14. Face it folks, Queens is low end...

  15. Queens is the highest-end of any of the outer boroughs.

  16. Saying that Forest Hills is "low end" is like saying that Great Neck is for poor people.
