
Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Touch of Glass for Austin

I'm liking what I'm seeing as they start to reveal the new gourmet food shop Mr. Vino's Cucina, on Austin St. Nice and sleek looking...


  1. I wish they could've saved the bay window that was there. oh well.

  2. I peaked inside about a week ago. It's looking good on the interior as well!

    1. crossing queens blvdOctober 12, 2012 at 12:04 PM

      I saw the inside also and they did a beautiful job. The hanging lights are the same as the ones in their wine store and the rest of the space appears to be white subway tile. It will be an eye-catching store for Austin St. as the money they spent will be evident.

  3. What would be really great in Forest Hills is a Whole Foods!

    1. crossing queens blvdOctober 12, 2012 at 12:01 PM

      Forest Hills has a Whole Foods. It's on 57th St. & 2nd Ave.

  4. People, please continue supporting the cheese shop! We don't want to see it go out of business.

    1. Cheese of the World is PHENOMENAL and is the only place I will buy cheese. They are simply wonderful in that shop and they help you pair meats with the cheese too!

  5. I agree about the cheese shop. It is a Forest Hills gem.

  6. While I do support Cheeses of the World (CoW), it's mediocre at best. Is there potential for it to be great? YES! But for that to happen they really need to up the selection.

    The vast majority of the cheeses found in CoW can be found in the cheese section of The Natural. I've inquired several times about more artisinal cheeses and am simply told "no, we don't carry that".

    Well, perhaps it's about time they looked to change and if some competition in the neighborhood forces them to do so, mission accomplished. Whether or not Cheeses of The World stays in business really seems to be directly in their hands. I'd love to see them succeed, so hopefully Cucina helps them step up their game.

  7. COW is a good store, very adequate, but the service is unfriendly. So, if they expect to stay in business with at least 2 other provides of great cheeses, they have to improve in the area of friendliness and gratitude.

  8. I agree with the last poster. COW is adequate, but, even more than that the staff can be unfriendly, frequently they appear not to know cheese. I once returned (after not having tasted before buying) a pound of Stilton. It had definitely seen better days. The individual I dealt with got very haughty with me. "Do you know this cheese?" he said. "As a matter of fact," I replied, "I do. I lived in London near Fortnum & Mason's and that's where I bought my cheese, and I know what is good and what is bad Stilton." The ill grace with which my money was returned turned me against this shop where previously I had spent quite a good deal of money. I now order my cheeses from Fresh Direct or buy them at Murray's at Grand Central. To have a local place that will not begrudge one tastes (that's thou, COW) before purchasing cheese is a great thing. So I hope Cucina has a great success--but please, ensure that the wait staff are more attentive than at the wine store. I always feel like I am intruding upon a private party there. It's quite a turn off. Merchants, please know: Solicitude means SALES.

  9. Unfriendly service.
