
Monday, October 22, 2012

Another Wine Bar Coming to Forest Hills

A new awning has gone up for something called Keuka Kafe in a storefront near the fire house on Queens Blvd., in the space where the pet grooming business last was I think.

The information at the location, according to the reader who contacted me about it, says it will be a wine bar, and also sell beer and salads.

My first reaction is a bit mixed. I'm not sure we need another wine bar given that Jack & Nellie's just opened around the corner on Ascan? (By the way, I visited Jack & Nellie's over the weekend — look for a review soon.)

Also, I'm a bit puzzled and somewhat disappointed that whoever is opening this didn't recognize that this part of Forest Hills is pretty far from anywhere else to grab a high-end cup of coffee and kick back and relax. What we really could use is a small, indie coffee place.

I found the above logo on the web, by the way.  And I also found an interior diagram, which if it is indeed the place, looks like it has the potential to be another cute spot to hang out. But, like I said, would've preferred a straight-out coffee place.


  1. yea that's an odd spot to put a wine bar.

    I really wish there was some kind of good coffee shop at the 75th Ave subway stop on the north side. I can't deal with burnt cheap coffee from the convenience store or the nasty bland "coffee cake" options that sit there. =/

  2. Wine bars mean the area is going more upscale and are places to socialize and get a drink and some light food.

    Not sure where a pet grooming place was near the fire house though.

  3. 11204 queens boulevard, 11375 is the location.

    It is on the corner across from where Quest fitness was which used to be a tile store.

  4. Wine bars coming in aren't a bad thing.

  5. I live fairly close to this and I'm very happy about this. I'm happy to see some more classy places come to FH; especially since the border area with Kew Gardens can be sketchy e.g. a check cashing place and pawn shop.

    1. That's because of teh courts. It has ALWAYS been like that.

    2. I understand why it's like that, but I wish it wasn't, and this is a step in the right direction.

  6. It's the perfect location. Very close to many apartment buildings. (FHS alone has 600 units)

    Who wants to schlep to Austin Street? Its overrun with crappy restaurants and chains. Queens Blvd. needs more places like this.

    LISTEN UP POTENTIAL BUSINESS OWNERS!! QB us where the growth is! leave Austin to the out-of-towners from Jamaica and Woodhaven!

  7. Cool! I was just on Keuka Lake a few months ago. I'm looking forward to this.

  8. A wine bar on the corner is fine for bringing together local socialization traffic on Queens Boulevard from surrounding buildings and is a more upscale business model than the normal mix of retail shops found within town.

    Wine bars are found in communities across America. I guess some entrepreneur's want to take on this model considering they can secure bottles of wine for low price, market the wine for higher prices, and provide a local location for people to come in to socialize by paying for an environment to come into.

    But considering all the bars and restaurants, I don't get why the need for more exclusive wine bars.

    1. Because the bulk of the bars on Austin street are filled with loud frat boy types and stink of stale beer. No disrespect meant to your post- I am just very excited for something other than a hookah lounge or fro-yo shop!

  9. Replies
    1. Keuka Lake, one of NY's Finger Lakes, happens to be surrounded by wonderful wineries. I hope they serve some Finger Lakes wines!

  10. Anyone can get bottles of these wines on their own but it does allow cost splitting and for people to enjoy it with the company of others.

    Don't get me wrong, I am NOT against Wine Bars and they are higher class than other types of bars and they deserve to exist.

  11. From one of the owners of Keuka Kafe:
    1. The concept of a wine bar that will feature wines and cheeses of the Finger Lakes as well as the unique collection of wines by the glass from all over the world (plus appetizers, salads & sandwiches) was finalized at the time when the place on Ascan Avenue was called a Q Bistro and Vesna was still the owner.
    2. There are quite a few vacant spots around here (SpinCity, T-Mobile Store, bunch of stores across QB from Tuscan Hills...) that can house a high-end coffee place, once the person with passion for coffee comes around. Our place will open at 11 am and will welcome coffee drinkers, by the way.
    3. For some of us these parts offer an essence of Forest Hills, rather than 108 street or QB around 67 ave. Last time I checked I saw Pinnacle across the boulevard and Forest Hills Gardens located a block away from us, right behind Austin Street. No Cash Checking places in sight.

  12. I am very excited for this wine bar to open. I believe it is a perfect location. For those of us who live by 75th Ave it is very convenient. And having an upscale wine bar will only bring property values up and attract a nice clientele. Austin Street is dull and boring.

  13. Anyone else here tried it yet? I've been in a few times ... the wines are quite fine, but it's the tasty meat & cheese plates that will keep me going back. (I actually heard about this blog while I was in there)

  14. This place is my favorite F.Hills joint with Jack&Nellies in 2nd place and Banter for 3rd. I love the vibe and the owner is a true New Yorker. The tvs are not really a focus (I HATE TVS in wine bars and intimate restaurants) and it's cozy. Sometimes the music is a little off, but most of the time, I'm happy to be there.
