
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Second Debate

I thought that was a masterful job by President Obama in last night's debate. His tone was perfect, right on target, clear, and forceful when he needed to be. Check out the segment in the video at around 1:12:00 :


  1. We see what we want to see, I guess

  2. Your analysis is not very optimal. Hopefully Nov 6 won't be for Obamaa either.

  3. Drake... literacy, like reality, has a well-known liberal bias. LOL. All you can really do is point and laugh at this crazypants crap. We both know why they prefer the lying, privileged empty suit who has lived off the hard work of others his whole life like a f**king vulture. Not hard to figure out. And if he wins (what a surprise! He owns the voting machines in Ohio!!), they'll all justify and rationalize the damage he does. Just like they did--and continue to do--with Bush.

    1. The word is "fucking." Please feel free to use it. Words are not banned on my blog -- only irrational negativity.
