
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Bareburger's New Menu

My favorite Forest Hills burger joint has updated their menu. You'll notice they've added some new types of burgers and salads to their already extensive menu. (Click on the images to read)


  1. They removed the tortilla chips from the Mexican Salad. WTF. I ordered delivery yesterday and they no longer use the whole wheat bread and instead give white garlic bread. Not favorable changes :(

  2. I like that it indicates what is gluten free.

  3. I have eaten at Bare Burger many times, but I have to say it's really losing its appeal to me. I typically have a stomach ache after I eat there, which is definitely not normal for me. In addition, it's insane that the burgers alone are $12 and don't come with fries. I get that they are organic so the meat costs more, but frankly they make up for that with the total lack of size in the meat portion anyway. I drop in for a quick burger and fries with the wife and I'm out $40, and usually leave hungry and not feeling so hot. It's a bit excessive.

  4. Did anyone else notice they were selling 40% off vouchers on Gilt City the other day? Not a good sign.


    1. That was for the Chelsea location only. Most likely only becuase it is new. Bareburger is doing quite well i would imagine - all locations are usually packed.

  5. Five Guys burgers are great and there are no bad after effects. Can't say the same about Bareburger. Rather pricey too, for a hamburger.

    1. Completely different animals, in more ways than one. You get what you pay for. If you want mid-tier, unhealthy burgers, go to Five Guys. If you want upper-tier, healthy fare, go to Bareburger. I've eaten at Bareburger countless times by now, and had several different burgers, salads and sandwiches and never had any problem.

    2. Yes and I what I get is physically ill. Could be the type of oil they use to cook the fries. Could be whatever they use to make the buns, I have no idea. I always eat healthy and I buy organic at home, so it's not about "tiers." My number one complaint is not about getting sick, it's about portion size. Charge me $13 instead of $12 and give me a bigger burger. If I'm in for $12, I'm in for $13. Seriously, who's counting another dollar when you are already buying a $12 burger with no fries.

  6. Went here and got billed the right amount and then a purchase amount I did NOT make. Wrote to the management via email about what happened and will dispute with the bank if I get charged for it.

    Place was busy but service was fine and food was good. Be careful with Credit card purchases. I am not sure what happened here, but I have gone to bareburger before and have had different waitresses/waiters without issue.

  7. I genuinely like Bareburger's food, but the prices are a bit much. If you drop $10 bucks on a burger or sandwich, it should come with fries. End of story. And throw in a free sauce instead of charging 55 cents. That's one major selling point for Cheeburger - add on what you want and they don't nickel and dime you.
    I'm still adjusting to the new menu. My favorite chicken sandwich - the only chicken sandwich I've ever raved about - is gone. I got the fried chicken sandwich today and it was like something I'd get at Mickey D's. I also noticed that fountain soft drinks are $3. Say what? That stuff costs pennies to make.
    On a nice note, the salads are a great quality.

  8. Cheeburger Cheeburger is just as expensive as Bareburger, and it's not even organic! I paid $15 for a semi-serious burger and fries. That might be a tiny bit cheaper, but it tastes so greasy and unhealthy, it's not worth it. Pay a little extra and live longer!
