
Monday, March 10, 2014

Latest Look at The Aston

Haven't posted pics of the neighborhood's newest condo in a while, so here you go. They've made a lot of progress since last time and I really like what I'm seeing.


  1. Who would want to sit on one of this balconies right above QBlvd? The noise and exhaust fumes in that area should have made the developer exclude balconies in their plans.

    1. View off the manhattan skyline from there must be a real sight.

  2. is there a garage in there? hope so or there are going to be crazy parking problems coming up

  3. I see the condo every day so it takes time to see the progress.

  4. I wouldn't mind sitting on one of those balconies on a warm summer night. The building looks nice.

  5. A multi million dollar condo with a CVS in the lobby. Wow! That's a downer. Why not a nice restaurant?

    1. Cvs is probably a more reliable tenant unfortunately. But I find their prices to be more reasonable than a Duane Reade. Net net this is positive for the neighborhood than to risk another so so overpriced restaurant. That's unless there's price collusion.

    2. For the same reason hotels do. It's a cool amenity. But hotels have people to clean up after the slobs. Not so a condo.

  6. Why would you want a restaurant in your lobby? That only attracts rats. A CVS is fine.

  7. Somewhat related, there is a huge tower about to be built in Rego Park as well, embedded within the shopping center at 63rd Drive. I couldn't tell from the poster I saw if it was office space or homes, but I'd say more likely homes.

  8. IF your talking about the tower over rego park center II then its residential.

  9. I wish the architectural style was a bit more retro, not so "glassy". Not that it has to look exactly like most of the other buildings on, say, 108th or Yellowstone, but just give a nod to that traditional look. Moot point, I know. I'll get used to it! At least someone has built something there and it's not an empty lot anymore.

  10. I LOVE the look of this building. At first, I was like the previous poster who stated the "glassy" look was a bit much. However, it's not overwhelming like new NYC buildings nor does it have a dark and yellow look like the Windsor. It sorta has the charm of the new Freedom Tower and since its only 17 stories, it doesn't try to be overbearing to the other buildings in the surrounding area. It blends well enough to show off, yet, be subtle with the neighborhood. Yes, it's a not Tudor. Yes, it doesn't blend perfectly with the older brick buildings. But times are changing and we just need to adapt. This, in my opinion, is one of the better Cord Meyer Developments. I cant wait for an open house!

  11. The building looks nice, but the window panels are too reflective on sunny days. It's blinding.

  12. Does anyone know anything about the new building almost done on Wetherole St and 65th Ave?
