
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Meeting About the Stadium Concerts

.... and God forbid anyone should tell the neighborhood blog. Whatevs, I'm telling all of you guys....


  1. No offense but you are a neughborhood blogger that many people are unfamiliar with your posts. We are not talking about a major newsletter when it comes to blogging. The West Side Tennis Club has let the more pertinent community groups know about this meeting over a month ago.

  2. I think the fact that WSTC is not hosting this meeting at their own clubhouse should tell you something. They don't give a shit what the neighbors think. This is just an exercise for the useless Community Board.

  3. They're hosting this at a school auditorium because there's more room there than at the club, plain and simple. No need to look for hidden meanings where there are none.

  4. I have had business dealing with the dinosaurs at WSTC in the past and I am not surprised. The fact that the West Side Tennis Club didn't notify this blog, a media source that would most likely bring overwhelming support for their cause (concerts in FoHi) doesn't surprise me. Perhaps they sent a fax to Drake but most likely it was a telegram.

  5. With great respect to Drake, I don't think it is fair to assume that the circulation of this blog is so high that it would naturally be included in a list of stakeholders. I am sure that FoHi Chamber of Commerce, the Forest Hills Civic Association, CB6, and the 112 Pct. Community Council were all clued in, along with the weekly newspapers. Those are the natural conduits for that sort of information.

  6. I live in a building on Burns, across the street and someone posted a notice in our lobby. But it was an anti-concert flyer trying to rally tenants against. Though I'm told that my address allows me presale tickets before the public! Heheh, I'm being bribed!

  7. Did anyone attend the meeting last night and can report on what was discussed? I'm curious if any hints for acts (beyond the Modest Mouse/Brand New co-headliner gig that was announced this morning) were dropped.

    1. I was there. No other acts were named though the promoters said their goal was to bring "world-class" acts. They did let slip that they had approached Steely Dan (I think Donald Fagen has a local connection) but were told that the Dan doesn't like outdoor shows. Man, that would have been a great show! They will also be installing a permanent stage and future shows will have assigned seating (unlike last year's Mumford show). The plan is for six acts to appear this summer. Overall, a good meeting and well-attended.
