
Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Pig's Makeover

DNAInfo reports that The Flying Pig on Austin will be changing just about everything but its live music performances in an effort to be more neighborhood-friendly. Should be interesting to see what they have in mind when it reopens after its brief makeover:

Popular Austin Street Gastropub To Change Name and Decor, Owners Say

I've really liked The Pig, even moreson the most recent time I went a few weeks ago. They were already in the process of shifting their menu to something that made more sense for Forest Hills. When they first opened, they kind of had this odd doughnut-hole - they had a lot of small plates, appetizers and such, and then pretty pricey entries, but nothing in between for a light meal, like a sandwich. It sounds like their new format will be more like Banter or Jack & Nellie's, offering a broad range of fare that's more in line with what Forest Hills needs. But I guess we'll find out soon.


  1. The Flying Pig definitely needs a makeover. Their food has been overpriced and awful. The drinks are decent but doesn't go far enough if the food doesn't get better. If they cannot get it together, I cannot imagine this place lasting at that prime spot on Austin Street.

    1. $19.00 for shepherd's pie says it all. If they don't completely revamp the menu they have no shot. If they do, they have a great shot to succeed.

    2. Of the recent additions to the Forest Hills dining scene, I like Flying Pig the least. First, the drawing of the pig has no charm whatsoever - see Porky Pig for comparison). Second, the food was bland, overpriced and the décor was awkward. I went once and never went back. Banter, on the hand, is always a treat to eat at.

  2. I walked in one afternoon lady year and there was a strong musty odor. Did not smell like a restaurant . Also was very dark inside. I didn't stay, and never went back .

    1. Hmmm, neither of those descriptions fits The Pig. Wonder which restaurant you were actually in.

    2. If someone asked me to describe the Irish Cottage; that would have been my take on it!

    3. Exactly. i had the EXACT experience the person above describes at Irish Cottage. Walked in therefor 1st & last time on a warm night. It was stuffy (no AC) & smelled like a gym locker room inside. Didn't sit down, never went back.

    4. I just recently went to Flying Pig for 1st time at brunch. High prices, odd menu, child being born, & Station House's awesomeness kept me away prior to that.

      My burger was good & the 2 drinks w brunch (including almost all tap beers) made it a good deal. It definitely seems they are moving in right direction & hope the slight refresh does the trick for them. The owner sank a ton of $ in that place & the rent certainly isn't cheap.

    5. The Cottage is dark, but it doesn't smell. Maybe it was you and you're just projecting.

    6. lol wut? you saw a child being born?

    7. I also heard from a few ppl that they would never go there b/c the flying pig logo and idea was stolen from Dirty Pierres. Dont know if thats a coincidence or not, but they both have almost identical logos.

    8. I wanna hear more about the child you saw being born! Do tell!

  3. I would definitely welcome some improvements there. I went once and was so disappointed I haven't been back. I frequently had wished Station House had Flying Pig's space because their tables are more first come first serve and frequently fill up during prime dining hours.

  4. I'm amazed the PIG lasted as long as it did. I thought the food was poorly presented, no value for the price. I thought the decor was banal and the design of the place made it very noisy. Not sure if adding a pair of flat screens is the answer. Might want to focus on upgrading the wait staff.

  5. If I owned the Pig, I would dump the pretentiousness, fire up the grill and turn it into a lip-smacking BBQ place like Danny Meyer's Blue Smoke. That would be popular.

    1. A BBQ place would be a good idea. The former bike store on QB near Portofino is being worked on. Ppl bringing stuff in and permit signs in teh window. Anybody know anything?

    2. It's going to be a sneaker and sportswear store.

  6. Great, more tvs, similar menu, neighborhood friendly for FH, etc... I welcome change. Just not more of the same. Snooze.
