
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Austin Public Lights up the Night

Some readers haven't fallen immediately in love with Austin Public's new electronic sign...


  1. Do they have a permit for their electronic billboard?

    1. This should not have been allowed. Wonder if a petition could get it removed?

  2. Sometimes less is more.

  3. Austin Public is working on getting permits to open a rooftop bar. That will be a first for FoHi !

  4. Something else to add to the growing commercialization and shrinking charm of Austin St.

    1. nothing exemplifies the "shrinking charm" of austin street more than the worn down tattered bird dirt infested "awning" of newtown deli. it looks worse than a 20 yr old bodega. people are complaining about an electric sign looking tacky meanwhile the newtown deli awning looks atrocious and brings down the overall aesthetic that once was a well maintained historic strip of properties.

  5. Looks like a porno palace from Times Square of yesteryear.

  6. Why did they make a "cross" out of Austin and Public? At first I thought it was a very hip church, like a Times Square house of worship.

  7. While I understand that they want to promote the fact that they have live music (a good thing!), the execution is pretty bad. Whether or not you like the color they painted the facade (I personally don't, but to each their own), the neon-billboard is really an eyesore. Add to that the name of the band, and at first glance it looks like a strip club (no kidding ,was walking with a friend Friday night and that's what they thought it was).

    I'm not 100% clear on why they went from The Flying Pig to Austin Public in the first place. While I wasn't a fan of "The Pig", it seemed that they were doing a pretty good business. Wondering if something happened to prompt the change?

  8. Do they still cook in peanut oil? If so, not interested.... in this day and age!

  9. Went for drinks and appetizers this past Thursday night. The place hasn't changed much except the added booths in the front which I thought was a nice touch. They simplified the beer menu which reminds me of Station House's but that's a good thing. The food was a bit of a let down. We ordered two apps and an entrée. The AP buffalo wings were oddly salty. The mac and cheese was a bit on the heavy side but not bad and the fish and chips were lacking flavor. I think they have some improvement to do with the food but it seems they are trying to drive the bar scene over the restaurant scene and I liked the atmosphere and beer menu so I'll be back. A rooftop bar would be great.

  10. I was there on Saturday and definitely not impressed at all.......... I know they have a live band, but the crowd was definitely older and you literally could not speak in the place.

    Way too loud!

  11. went on friday night. they didnt have two of their new menu items. they also cut out about ten drafts from their beer list. The expensive stuff like chimay and delierium tremmens aamong them.. They had about the same # of ppl banter had but banter is half its size. its not gonna last.

  12. i didnt know we were in times square. the sign is so tacky ; it does not fit the image of the neighborhood and should not be allowed. as to a roof top bar: that could be great if it attracts the right type of crowd. if it is just beer guzzling rowdy types then i am not for it.

    1. This country was built by beer-guzzling rowdy types and I am proud to call myself one.

  13. This is truly a disgraceful, ugly, tacky, tasteless, eyesore of an addition to Austin street. I could not believe my eyes when I walked by - we need to start a petition to have the horrible blinking sign removed. The red color was fine - they should have left it at that - we do not need Austin street to look like Times Square…what a shame! I will boycott them just for making the street ugly. I have lived here for the last 20 years and this is the worst yet - just as we were having some much overdue additions to the neighborhood like Banter and Station House. And Restaurant Row across the street is lively and relatively upscale with outdoor seating at Vanilla Sky, Aged, etc. I hope that the owners read this blog and have the sense to take down this hideous monstrosity. How can they call themselves a Gastropub with that sign?

  14. wow, creating a "neighborhood bar" but designing it to be the complete opposite on what forest hills was built. TUDOR STYLE FOLKS. ACCEPT IT AND CONTINUE IT. austin public will make a great medical office in a few months.

    this neighborhood is getting so damn tacky. le sigh

  15. I think the problem a lot of you are having is accepting that our neighborhood is changing. It is getting to be less of the suburban, Tudor style place of 20 years ago, and becoming a lot more city-like and commercialized. What we are losing in charm we are gaining in convenience. More places to live, shop,dine, and of course, get planty of medical care, lol.

    1. I completely understand your point about convenience, but there's no reason we shouldn't have strict facade regulations. Austin Public is not only a disgrace to the neighborhood but also the design community of NYC. Just like that rainbow nightclub on 67th Ave known as King David Kosher Restaurant - WHAT were they thinking..... ::face palm::

    2. I agree a thousand percent!

  16. didn't mind the red makeover at all, but driving up to austin street today I noticed that electronic billboard and went "what the f$#@?!" It's an eyesore and it's completely tacky and it doesn't even fit with the design of the outside. get the hell outta here with that crap.
