
Monday, May 19, 2014

P.S. 101Q Goes Back in Time To Celebrate Centennial

The School in the Gardens, P.S. 101Q is celebrating its momentous 100th birthday tomorrow with events that gather school children, alumni, top educators and politicians together for a once-in-a lifetime trip back to May 20,1914 – the day the school first opened its doors as a NYC Public School.

The milestone centennial celebration will begin at 8:30 am Tuesday with an outdoor assembly featuring presentations by NYC Schools Chancellor Farina, Queens Councilwoman Karen Koslowitz, and Congresswoman Meng’s office. In a nod to the times, a barbershop quartet will ring in the festivities and the day will feature an immersive, entertaining trip to May 20, 1914 for students, community members and alumni. Maypole dancing, soapbox car construction, silent films, mini-museums, and storytelling will offer a glimpse of this special school’s long history.

Ceremony host Monique Paniagua, Principal of P.S. 101Q proudly states, “Confucius once said, ‘Ifyou think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if in terms of ten years, plant trees; if in terms of 100 years, teach the people.’ As we celebrate P.S. 101Q’s centennial, we celebrate 100 years of teaching people and look forward to teaching for the next hundred years. We’ve grown generations of beautiful minds that have changed the world!”

“I want to wish a very Happy 100th Birthday to the School in the Gardens,” said Queens Borough President Melinda Katz. “The school has been consistently high-performing and has a warm, welcoming atmosphere conducive to shaping young minds and preparing our children to lead successful lives and be outstanding contributors to our society. I commend the teachers, administrators and staff members of the School in the Gardens and wish their fine institution many more years of success.”

Illustrious alumni of P.S 101Q include:
Burt Bacharach, 6-time Grammy winner and 3-time Oscar winner
Carroll O’Connor, 5-time Emmy winner
Chieli Minucci, 3-time Emmy winner and Grammy nominated jazz musician
John Cassavetes, Emmy nominated and 3-time Oscar nominated actor and director
William Ryden, Pulitzer-prize nominee for his ragtime compositions

For more information on P.S. 101Q centennial plans, including pictures of the school and students throughout history, click

1 comment:

  1. Congrats PS 101! May you continue to nurture and shape the bright young minds of Forest Hills. You are the pride of this neighborhood.
