
Monday, June 16, 2014

Couple of Closings...

Surprised that more people in Forest Hills don't miss the ices shop Uncle Louie G which used to open every summer on Austin St. right next to the Bonfire Grill. Yea, it was a little run down, but the ices and ice cream weren't bad. Anyway, that place looks completely closed, with construction going on inside it.

And then, I come back on vacation and see that the Lady Love Boutique at the corner of 72nd Ave. and Austin St. has closed. Surprised no one had contacted me about since it was one of the more eccentric-looking shops on Austin St. and in business for quite a few years.


  1. I did and you posted it:
    the specialty candy store on the corner of 72nd Avenue CLOSED. theres a note saying its b/c of water damage caused by the mgmt company that they wont take responsibility for and they may or may not reopen. The chatchka store on the opposite corner is also going out of business.

    1. oh yes, Lady Love Boutique, aka "chatchka store" - thanks for the heads up!

      And yes, well aware of the candy store's situation.

  2. I passed the candy store today and i saw a few buckets near the front window, but i don't see any damage. obviously there were leaks but the store looks OK. it's still closed.
    Never went into lady love boutique but anybody who ever mentioned it said it was very expensive.

  3. On the other end of the spectrum, I'm wondering when El Coyote is going to open in the old Garcia's location. I walk by there frequently on the way to the gym and haven't seen any progress beyond the sign and the "coming soon" banner.

  4. This area needs more high-end coffee shops

  5. Here's a super ultra exclusive: sterling bank is moving to strawberry's location. not sure when but someone in the bank told me.

  6. I'd love a couple of more women's clothing shops (nice places, not just the discount stuff, although AT Factory is an improvement over what was there), a nice coffee house and for the love of pete, some place with live music. That, and I never want to loose the Barnes and Noble but Austin Public can ditch the sign anytime they want. Thanks, Santa!

  7. B&N has another year left on their lease. They could end up downsizing and still maintain a good presence on Austin. We can't lose our only bookstore or theater! It would be a stab in the heart of FH.

  8. Clothing stores - there's too many of them, won't miss them if they close. I'd like to see more gourmet restaurants, cafes or even an indie bookshop! No more urgent care centers, please.

  9. indie bookstore? indie coffee shop? You're delusional. the rents are too damn high

  10. I'm shocked that little boutique store lasted as long as it did. Shame about the candy store. I wonder what will replace Sterling - maybe more condos. I'd kill for an Equinox in the Barnes & Noble space.

  11. The Candy Shop Lives! :-). I saw it open Friday and went in. The guy said it would take about two weeks to restock everything as the store had been closed for over 3 weeks. You can see where the ceiling tiles were painted, and the warping of sheet rock above the windows.

    I hope the store stays around.

    Tried Reef. The food is good and people should go and support them.
