
Monday, June 30, 2014

Food Truck Options Expand on 71st/Continental

We're starting to get quite the eclectic mix of food truck options along 71st/Continental Ave. The latest is this juice and smoothie option. I'm wondering if this newest truck says anything about the changing demographics of the neighborhood as younger residents moving into Forest Hills and nearby areas are seeking out healthier, on-the-go, food options.


  1. There is also a new Crepes and Waffles cart parked in front of the Queens County Savings Bank. I saw it there this morning.

  2. Anybody hear any explosions in the middle of the night? Two ppl I know heard them last week and I heard some last night unless I was dreaming.

    1. Yes; I heard them on two different nights. I think the first time it was about 4am and last night maybe around 2.

  3. The food trucks are not a great value. They are over priced and create more litter. The character of the neighborhood are the restaurants...there are too many hallal carts and they all sell the same thing. This is not Jackson Heights.

    1. The four carts all sell very different things. I haven't been to the Juice Cart yet, or the Waffles and Crepes cart, but I think the Halal Cart and Taco Cart are fairly priced, and a pretty good option for tasty cheap meal.

    2. Food trucks do not create more litter. Slobby, disrespectful PEOPLE create litter. Restaurants are great. Food trucks are great. VARIETY is GREAT! :)

    3. I agree. This is a crummy look for 71st Street. It's unnecessary. Maybe these trucks should go set up by Forest Park instead. If I was a local restaurant owner I'd be pissed.

  4. I heard the explosions as well. I thought they were gun shots, but I guess not.

  5. This fruit juice bar does not follow city laws for food trucks. I had it out with him the 2nd or 3rd day that he plopped himself on the sidewalk. He had his truck hitched on top of a city bike rack making the bike rack inaccessible to bikers. Law requires any sidewalk vendor to be 8 feet away from a light pole, bike rack, bus stop, mail box, etc. He did move his truck slightly away from the rack but is still too close to it and the light pole. If you want to do business on our sidewalks, then respect the law and respect our community.

  6. How many Halal carts are there in Forest Hills, anyway?

  7. I heard what sounded like 4th of July fireworks let off early the other night. Wasn't sure if it was fireworks or a car going over a loose manhole. Is this the sound you are referring to?

  8. I also heard the explosions. I thought it was gun shots but then nothing happened.

    1. Sounded like M80s fireworks.

  9. Food trucks contribute to the litter and air pollution. Austin Street is looking dumpier everyday. Look at the tree pits filled with weeds and garbage. It's a shame.

  10. I think there was a fire at the flower and garden center on Woodhaven near Yellowstone. Maybe that's the noise you heard? I walked to there today. All windows boarded up and smelled like a fire.

  11. I think there was a fire at the flower and garden center on Woodhaven near Yellowstone. Passed by there today and it was boarded up and smelled. Maybe that was the noise?

  12. There was a major fire on Woodhaven Bkvd near Yellowstone last night. Perhaps the noises you heard came from that.

  13. I heard the explosions on thurs and sunday night, it wasnt a flower shop fire
