
Friday, July 18, 2014

Drug Store Wars

I hadn't been in the Rite Aid at the corner of 71st/Continental and Austin in a really long time and was really impressed when I stepped inside today. I had heard there was a renovation going on but had forgotten. I guess they're stepping up their game before the new CVS opens across Queens Blvd. (When? That is taking forever to open.) Update: A reader tells me it is supposed to open August 6th.

And a reader sent me a photo of the outside of the new CVS, pointing out that new trees will be going in in front of it. He also says that Jay's Newstand is scheduled to be moved back to its original site sometime during the next two weeks.


  1. The look of the store was fine before. The real problem is they never have more than two cashiers on duty at a time, and so there is always a long line to get out of there. It probably costs more though to hire more people indefinitely than to do a one-time renovation.

    1. The look of the store was not fine, it was beyond shabby. The prices are better than Duane Reade's though, in general. Happy to see they upgraded the look, Austin Street deserves it.

  2. Do we really care about corporate chain drug stores!?! We need another like we need potholes on our streets.

  3. That L-shaped Rite Aid building replaced an old Woolworth's that was a lot more interesting.

    1. I love Woolworths! I remember going into that one in Forest Hills all the time with my mom when I was little. That was a good store.

    2. Obviously it wasn't since they've been out of business for a generation.

    3. Oh wow, I remember that Woolworth's! My mom used to get her sewing supplies there! And correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they have an old fashioned photo booth in the back?

  4. Old wood plank floors, tin ceiling, narrow aisles, and I believe a fish/aquarium hobby section. I remember.

  5. The rite aid on the corner of 75th and queens blvd is also in the middle of a renovation

  6. Anonymous #1, you are so right! That store has a massive line problem. There were times it snaked down the entire aisle, which I haven't seen in other stores. I don't shop there for that reason.

  7. The rite aid on 75th and Queens Blvd looks old outside yet it sits across from pricey Pinnacle. Exterior and interior should be renovated. CVS is going to be brand new. Dwane Reed already renovated. I presume CVS will also upgrade other locations if they haven't been already.

    Rite Aid was bottom of the barrel of the chains and looks like they are finally stepping up. Not sure about cashier problem. Are the goods or pricing significantly better where it pays to wait?

    CVS looks to be the largest store in the area based on square footage. CVS tends to have rather large stores. Riteaids tend to be smaller in size

  8. Perhaps with CVS open right next door, the Key Food at Queens Blvd and 71st Road will re-examine their prices. CVS has good specials on a lot of items often sold in supermarkets and that particular Key Food almost always seems particularly obscenely priced compared to other markets in the area.

  9. Pinnacle is a poorly run property. Where in NYC would a premiere property have their first floor retail space vacant for nearly 15 years? All of that lost revenue? Something is not right there!

  10. Best part of CVS is most have self checkout.
