
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Forest Hills Greenmarket Frequent Shopper Program Launches Sept. 7th

I saw this at the Greenmarket today:


  1. Sounds like they are not getting the large crowds that were coming when the market first opened..

  2. They need a bigger space!

  3. Definitely need a bigger space!!! It's impossible to walk. I end up walking in the street most times. It be good to close off that inner section of Queens Blvd to traffic. So the trucks can park in the middle of the road and the stalls will have more space to allow pedestrian traffic.

  4. The one in Jackson Heights utilizes an entire city street and a sidewalk along a park. It is located in a residential area unlike the one in Forest Hills that is smack in the middle of a business district and next to the busiest traffic corridor in Queens. Surely the portion of the Queens Blvd service road in front of the Jewish Center and post office could be shut to give shoppers and vendors more room..
