
Friday, August 22, 2014

Santa Fe Mystery Solved—For Now

Whelp, apparently this is the best they can do with this prime restaurant location—for now, anyway. The mystery is solved thanks to Vincent who tweeted me this pic this morning. No new restaurant (all those comments on the old post apparently were based on someone who pulled that out of their #&@), no new apartment building, but those who bet on a Halloween costume pop-up store for the old Santa Fe location bet right. Not to say a new restaurant or apartment building won't follow once the holiday is over. So, we have a whole row of restaurants that draw people from all over Queens... and then Halloween costumes. Makes no sense to me, but whatever....


  1. There will be one opening up on QB & 67 Ave as well.

  2. This is scary! The new Mexican restaurant should go here instead of where Garcia used to be.

  3. These halloween shops pop up every year for the last 4 years around Austin Street just for 2 months. Once halloween is over, they close.

  4. They were in the old Claire's spot a few years back.

  5. Never a good sign when a Halloween store opens up. I smell a Laundry Kingdom coming!

  6. Was praying for an InstaCare. So hard to find health care in this town :)

  7. It's just for 2 or 3 months folks. I'm sure the landlord will be marketing this property in earnest come next year.

  8. I know I should be angry, but instead I'm just resigned.

  9. Makes perfect sense to me. Landlord gets some rent and foot traffic in the hope of finding a permanent tenant.

  10. Festive! It's much better than an empty storefront and probably makes it a more attractive rental to the next tenant.

  11. At least it's not another urgent care center.

  12. That's a good spot. Diners will have something to do after eating and check out the Halloween scene.

  13. Emblematic of the fragile economy Foret Hills is built on

    1. Fragile economy as opposed to … If landlords weren't so greedy then maybe some of these business on or around Austin Street might actually have longevity. That doesn't just apply to Forest Hills.

    2. Hear, hear! If landlords around here don't get over their greediness soon FH will just be a neighborhood full of medical clinics and mall restaurants and NOTHING ELSE.

  14. Landlords, there are 5 major ones around Austin/Continental, need to pay for their Manhattan, West Coast, and Miami digs.
