
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Trees Harmed at Local Construction Site

A reader sent in this photo a few weeks ago. It really is an outrage. He explains below:
The construction site at 71-57 Austin Street in Forest Hills already has numerous DOB violations and now the contractor has just poured cement into the two sidewalk tree pits in front of the property. The fate of the trees has literally been sealed. We strive so hard to protect our street trees. When I see this, I get really upset. I can't understand why contractors continuously do this throughout our borough.


  1. Bad neighbors already - leaving an ugly, unfinished construction site for months, filling tree pits - we should all email to let them know how we feel.

  2. just made a 311 complaint.

  3. I saw the workers doing this and yelled at them to stop - they waived me away - I kept telling them that they are killing the trees and that the contractor was going to be fined and they would be in trouble..they could have cared less! The nice worker at the corner handbag store even translated to Spanish to them and a few other concerned passer by all said the same thing…they just kept on pouring their cement (as they were likely instructed to do)…I filed a complaint via 311 to the parks Dept - so HAPPY to see that action was taken! It makes a difference to band together to stand up for our communities :)
