
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Baskin-Robbins Returns to Ascan

A couple of years after the Baskin-Robbins on Ascan closed and that space was absorbed into a bigger Natural store, the ice cream chain has hopped across the corner, reopening inside the new Dunkin' Donuts, in what is certainly a sweet surprise.

If we had to have a Dunkin' Donuts there, at least we have some ice cream again. Will come in handy this summer...

Speaking of the new Ascan Dunkin' Donuts, I received this email from a reader about its recent opening. I encourage everyone to either email me or post their thoughts on the blog or the blog's Facebook Page about whatever is on your mind:

Hi Drake -
The comments about this new opening have been largely negative, and I think it deserves a fresh look.
Like it or not, chains are part of the retail landscape. Today's business climate, especially when food is involved it is hard, to say the least on entrepreneurs. And understandably, landlords want reliable tenants.
That said the most productive way to encourage independent establishments is to patronize those that do open, and to lean on the Forest Hills Chamber of Commerce to encourage and support their addition to the neighborhood. I am no fan of the Chamber, because I think the do a poor all 'round job, but they are the organization to task. Wishing just doesn't make it so.
Back to DD ... here is what I see as the positives: Nice layout with plenty of window seating. BR offers ice cream option, including cakes. You don't have to schlep to Metropolitan for same. Eddie's is in a different category! DD is open early and late. That is convenient to those living on that end of Austin, AND big plus here, it provides a measure of security. A clean well lit space is a good thing on a quiet dark street. Last, it opened and Bonelle stayed open. Everybody wins. While it may not be the indie of some dreams, it brings it's own positive attributes, which certainly is a step up from the previous tenant. I think on a whole, it's an improvement.


  1. I think it's a shameful waste of a great space at an iconic intersection, which definitely deserves something better than a schlocky chain that purveys crappy, chemical-laden food. I know I will never patronize it.

    1. Iconic? It's former tenant was an eyesore convenience store that had graffiti all over the gates. The last good thing on that corner was the Ralph's, but obviously that closed years ago. I also liked the original BR on the adjacent corner. I don't mind the DD/BR there now

  2. When I think of DD, first thing that comes to my mind is sugar. Tons of sugar, plastic fake tasting eggs and did I mention tons of sugar. So sad people still consume that.

  3. Maybe if the store's facade and sign weren't so ugly I might be a little more forgiving. Technicolor orange and brown - WHY???!!

  4. Yeah, go to their website and check out the ingredient list...preservatives, things I've never heard of, and artificial additives. I sure hope the bagel store, Bonelle's, the new coffee shop, etc, don't lose a bit of business.

    1. So do I! The woman who's always behind the counter at Bonelle is a real sweetheart.

  5. Just pray that they don't install those hideous DD awnings.

  6. Unattractive store front. Tacky cheap looking signs. It would be a little bit acceptable if they did it like the one in WIlliamsburg.
    It does not look like it belongs in this neighborhood. The food inside is full of chemicals, cheap and fake. Not liking it at all!

    1. Why? What does the Williamsburg DD look like?

    2. I am not able to attach a photo here but Google "WIlliamsburg dunkin donuts" then go to image. you will see a classy storefront.

  7. Dear Cry Babies,
    Would you like some cheese with your whine? Oh, wait, I have a good idea. Let's bring back that old, dirty, convenience store that nobody went into back to that "iconic intersection". ;)

    1. Wow. You sure showed us.

      At least the Newtown Grocery didn't feel the need to proclaim its mediocrity with a hideous, eye searing sign that totally ruined the look of the entire block when viewed past nightfall.

    2. ...

      *raises hand timidly*

      ...I'd like some cheese, actually.

    3. No, the Newtown Grocery proclaimed their mediocrity with a filthy, torn-up awning that made the place look on the outside like the dump it was on the inside.

  8. Iconic corner? LOL. It's a corner

  9. It's a corner like no other in America.

  10. It's the same ugly brown aluminum siding as the one on Ascan. As far as sugar content, no one would be bitching if a Magnolia opened there.

    1. Magnolia's hay day has come and gone!

  11. Iconic corner featured in Spiderman. Forest Hills is in flux. A clash between grumpy old people, annoying yuppies, apathetic Asians, and the rest of Queens (who actually show up and patron the local busineses.) Its STILL Queens no matter what you see when you close your eyes and daydream. Fay Da bakery, Chipotle, 7-eleven, and Marthas are the the busiest businesses in the area. People shop chains. Its not Greenwhich. Proudly, its Queens.

    1. I guess by "the rest of Queens" you mean you? Archie Bunker is alive and well and living in Forest Hills now!

  12. What, I like Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate in my Munchkins!

  13. Archie Bunker is a Queens Icon....just like that iconic corner. I am born and raised in Queens..and proud of it. The rest of Queens are the commuters, sex offenders, shoplifters, pan handlers, homeless, and mentally ill. They all congregate in Forest Hills because, as you may remember, they were treated at Parkway Hospital. Although its been closed for years....the crazies still show up for their appointments.
