
Saturday, February 21, 2015

What's up with the Midway Theater?

Anyone know what's going on with the Midway?
First, the marquee hasn't been updated in days, and today we've noticed the entire theater seems to be closed with Fandango not even listing any showtimes for the rest of the day! There have been rumors and concerns circulating for a while now that a new owner of the property possibly had plans to close it to build a new condo on the site. I personally would be really disappointed if this was the case and it's suddenly closed. it's one of the best things about our neighborhood!

Update: Readers are posting on the Blog's Facebook page that they heard a pipe at the theater had burst and they are trying to reopen for the 7 p.m. shows tonight..

The Midway Theater last weekend - it's marquee hadn't been updated in days.


  1. I seriously hope that it is only a rumor about the Midway eventually closing. It's a nice theater and almost an institution at this point. Not to mention that it's convenient, clean, and plays a good mix of films.

  2. I read that the owners plan to keep the Midway and use air space to build above the theater. Let's hope that is true.

  3. Is the theatre up and running again? Anyone heard any news?

  4. I love having a movie theater so close , but man is this one expensive.

  5. The reason why the marquee hasn't been updated is because no one on the staff does NOT know how to put up movie titles. Only one person knows how to and his name is Charles..the ponytail guy. He has been working there for 14 years. Unfortunately, an incident happened on January 4th involving an outside intruder and him and Charles was verbally and assaulted by this intruder. Charles was just doing his job by telling the trespasser that he had to leave the building. Unfortunately management or the company did NOT stand behind Charles(who was doing right) in this incident and he was let go. Charles was the best in putting up the movie titles. There is No loyalty from Regal at all :(
