
Friday, March 13, 2015

The Americans Filming in Forest Hills

No idea when this is happening. Or if it already did? But saw this all over 71st Road this afternoon. Anyone know? If anyone takes any photos of the shoot, please email them to: Thanks!


  1. The Gardens sent out an email today - they will be shooting most of the day, no cars allowed in or around Station Square after 2 pm. There are some very cool old cars in the scenes as well - worth a walk by to check it out :)

    1. The lights they have there now are blindingly bright!

  2. I wonder if the scene/episode is actually set in FH, or if FH is just meant to be standing in for some other location...

    1. The show is set in the early 80's in the Washington DC/Virginia area. They used Forest Hills in at least one other episode where they had a car chase through The Gardens that went onto Metropolitan Avenue. In short, no, the episode is not even set in NY so it will not be about Russian spies in Forest Hills.

    2. I've never seen an episode of The Americans. I didn't even know what it was about, to be honest, so thanks for the info. :)
