
Friday, May 22, 2015

Frightening Crash Tonight

This is the scene tonight at Jewel Ave. and 108th St. Cars ended up shattered and on the sidewalk. Imagine how much worse this could've been. I'm told both drivers escaped without severe injuries and luckily no pedestrians were hurt. Thanks to Matthew for sending in the pic.


  1. There was a similar accident there just last month. Driver was speeding through changing traffic signal along 108 St. Someone was taken away in an ambulance.

  2. That corner is HORRID- accidents like that every month. Time for speed bumps along 108th? It is becoming a spare auto parts lot...

  3. if i had to guess, someone ran a red light

    1. Agreed! It's insane how many times I've seen either people just running through a stop sign or blatantly run through a red light in our neighborhood - especially in the streets closer to Rego Park. My car was already hit by a woman who ran a stop sign last summer and just a few weeks ago, a car ran through a red light almost hitting my car. If I was in the intersection one second earlier, this car would have hit me. A more recent phenomenon, I've seen cars drive the wrong way on one way streets. Knowing that they're doing something wrong, they decide to drive at super high speeds so they can "make it" to the next intersection. What is it with our neighborhood that brings out this kind of behavior? Does anybody have any hypotheses? It really boggles my mind and it's completely perplexing why there's such a high percentage of dangerous drivers in our neighborhood. I'm really trying to understand - hoping there's some kind of solution that can be offered before more people are hurt in our neighborhood.

    2. Because folks from Eastern Queens and Long Island are mentally disturbed. It's all about ME, and I have somewhere important to go (like shopping for groceries...)...

      I used to live in Canada; traffic is not bad and it's considered rude to overly use one's horn. Here, it seems -- go fast, honk as much as you can!!!

  4. So there was another accident on this exact corner just an hour ago. Something really needs to be done!

  5. We just moved into the neighborhood no more than a month ago and this is the first time we are discovering that this very corner is a death trap of sorts. Thank you for posting this - we heard the crash and later heard that there were TWO accidents that night, one at 11pm and another at 1am.

    We also saw the car that had is front smashed in, around 5:30pm. What's up with this neighborhood???

  6. I live in the building on the corner of Jewel and 108th. I can see the accidents from the window and there is AT LEAST one accident a week. I personally know two pedestrians that have been hit crossing here. Frankly I'm shocked no one has been killed yet. What does it take to get a speed bump here?!?!
