
Sunday, August 30, 2015

Unbelievable Accident on 71st Continental

It looks like a car smashed overnight right into the front of Value Depot on 71st Continental Ave. I have no idea how an accident like this could possibly occur given the location of this store. Anyway, if anyone knows what exactly happened, comment below or email it to
Thanks to Dawn,  Angela and Veronica for emailing and tweeting me about it and for their pics!

Updated: Here's an eyewitness account that was emailed to me:

I was actually walking west on the south side of Queens Boulevard when it happened around 1:30 am last night. I was crossing 108th towards Ridgewood Bank when I heard the squealing of tires, and finished crossing/safe on sidewalk when I turned my head towards where Fay Day/that health store on the corner is and saw a sedan/compact? (it was a car, not an SUV or other) out of control taking that turn way too fast. It fishtailed and then went at a weird angle straight into the store front (it sort of looked like it went through the bus shelter but from your pics it doesn't seem like that's the case). I saw an explosion of glass/dust/debris and people screaming. The people waiting for the bus on my side started running towards the accident, I was really freaked out and more than a little tipsy so I decided there was nothing I could do if I went over to see what happened and kept walking home.
I'm disappointed it wasn't on NY1 or any news outlet though. It's hard to tell if there were any injuries or if everyone's OK. It didn't seem like it hit any pedestrians/people on the sidewalk; from my angle it looked like they were closer to QB than where he crashed into the store. Very scary stuff though, I was a little shaken up.
The Feisty Foodie


  1. I hate cars. Loud, polluting, deadly, congesting, antisocial.

  2. I can't believe this! I was over there around 1:30am and didn't notice it. I got food and was standing across the street for a while.

  3. It went through the bus stop further up the block. It looks pretty awful.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Why does it matter if she is Chinese? If it was an old white guy. Would you say that. And saying she was Chinese. Are you implying something.

    1. No, it doesn't matter what nationality she was, to be honest. I could've said Asian - or simply left that out all together. Yes, if it was an old white guy, I'd say "old white guy". I'm not implying anything of racial slurs, simply stating what I saw (and assumed).

      Please accept my apologies for my unintended offense to anyone. I would edit it my comment to make amends, but I believe once the comment is published, I cannot change it :-/

    2. Bad drivers come in all colors. When I first heard about it, I admit I thought it must have some drunk Russian guy (shame on me for stereotyping!)

  6. Speaking of bad accidents, some stupid schmuck just accidentally rammed his/her car on the parking lot on top of Lucille Roberts / Exo Cafe and sent bricks crashing down. Austin Street is blocked off with fire engines and stuff.

    1. Thanks, I was wondering about the weird traffic tonight on Yellowstone!

    2. Lucille Roberts closed and sidewalk blocked off until building can be inspected.

  7. Forest Hills and Kew Gardens are beautiful areas but horrible for driving and parking. Each time I have to do so extensively within the neighborhood I get very frustrated. I am not much of a city driver but I think it's pretty unsustainable-- more apts being built, more cars on the road, crazy road work all summer, alt side parking disasters, horrible parking lots, if any at all. I do most of my shopping either strolling on foot or I drive to the Roosevelt field area on LI, about 20 min east.

    1. Yes, please don't drive here.

    2. Queens is not meant for driving.

      Learn to use the subway and the bus. Or your feet.

      Cars are a luxury. Not a necessity. If you are driving around looking for free parking, it's a sign you cannot afford a car in the city.

    3. I moved to NYC to escape the suburbs - have lost 10lbs since coming here. Unlike my old neighbors upstate who keep getting heavier every time I visit them.

    4. Some parts of Queens are not meant for driving at most times of the day, I agree. But tell that to the people in Whitestone, Bayside, Queens Village, etc. where there is no subway, bus service to the city is expensive and the LIRR is not a viable solution.

      Also, heading home from the city late at night with children... ok late meaning after 10 with children you'd BEG for a car.

  8. It wasn't a Chinese woman, it was a girl from Long Island. Family name used to be Changstein.

  9. Yup, the accident occurred around 1:30-2am. Was getting out of a yellow cab near Ridgewood Savings bank and all I heard was screeching tires and loud bang from across the blvd. Then I could see many people rushing towards the scene of the accident. Considering it was around 2am, my first guess would be drunk driver, but it's a guess. Would like to know what happened. But this afternoon a sanitation crew was cleaning up. One side of the bus stop was all broken as well as the two phone booths were busted. Looks like it must have been a high speed accident.

  10. I'm surprised people didn't try peeling open the gates so they can go into Value Depot and steal all that valuable merchandise!

  11. This happened Sunday night too.

  12. Forest Hills is just too congested, it's not worth it to shop there by car anymore. It's a shame, it was lovely once.

  13. A lost opportunity for getting rid of that hideous cheap looking sign . Darn.
