
Sunday, September 13, 2015

New Poll

I haven't done a poll in a long time. Here's a timely one. I am thinking we'll probably find out about this in the next week or two, so while we're all guessing:


  1. I think it's going to be a pop-up store of some kind to open just for the upcoming Christmas holiday.

  2. We don't want or need another burger joint.

    1. Speak for yourself. If you have tastebuds, you know we need another burger joint. Bareburger is overground flavorless junk (good toppings mask a below-average patty) and Twist and Smash is inconsistent (great burger 1 in 5 times, overcooked hockey puck 4 out of 5). Shake Shack would crush it.

  3. Shake Shack would be great, but Queens still can't get out of the rut of serving the common folks...; the same dolts that eat at Chipotle will end up at a Shake Shack, and then they can go watch some sports at Buffalo Wild Wings...

    What about a place like 'Diner' in Williamsburg, or 'Franks' in the Village. Maybe a 'Vinegar Hill House'.... Station House is good, but the food is pedestrian (ribs, burgers), which allows a bro culture to persist.

    We need -- MORE HIPSTERS or YUPSTERS, or YUCIES (young urban creatives). And I say this from a person who looks like a guerilla from the 80's when bodybuilding was cool...almost the anti-hipster.

    but, I don't care -- I want better places for this neighborhood to make Queens cool (not just interesting.,...), and if that means being surrounded by a couple of emo chicks and beardo dudes, so be it!!!

    1. Be careful what you wish for. There are drawbacks to coolness and hipsterism. One of which is eventual complete and utter gentrification which if managed incorrectly can turn entire neighborhoods into indistinguishable bores, like what has happened to entire swaths of Manhattan, and now is starting to happen to parts of Brooklyn. That being said, I agree with you that Forest Hills can definitely use many more great places—I'd rate our neighborhood on a scale of 1 to 10 a 3 right now in that regard—before we approach the danger zone.

    2. "Queens still can't get out of the rut of serving the common folks"? WTF is that supposed to mean? Some of us are well beyond the need to appear "cool," and my block is noisy enough with all the drunken bros/hoes rampaging around drunk, screaming and smoking at all hours… all of which invade my home. If I wanted to live like that, I'd move to Williamsburg or the Village or basically any town that's full of "artists" and college kids. Some of us actually have day jobs and can't wait to get home, and away from the drunken, screaming crazies who roam the streets making a racket because they DON'T have day jobs. Now they're all finding their way here like the Walking F**king Dead, only noisier. Forest Hills has become one big frat house, practically overnight.

    3. I think the bros/hoes that are running around drunk mainly come from LI and surrounding neighborhoods in Queens

    4. oh my gawwww. The lack of hipsters is what drew us to FoHi. (Of course, that is changing. I've spotted a few on Austin Street lately.) I like that this community is real and full of people who come home with paint on their boots as well as financiers with mansions in the gardens. Keep your skintight jeans and man ponytails in Brooklyn. Queens is already cool.

  4. Skip Austin and head to Metropolitan -End of the Century Bar, Tazzini, Danny Browns to name a few.

  5. I would love a brunch place with character! There are plenty of places for brunch - and yes, the unlimited mimosas draw a crowd. I'm talking about the Diners, Drive-ins and Dives places with unique meals that make spending $20 bucks on brunch worth it. A diner with great food would be good, but not the same ole' huge menu with Sysco options. Real food, special specials and stuff worth talking about is what would be nice. I have previously said a butcher would be great, as would Korean food and upscale/unique sandwiches. How about bahn mi?

  6. I cant speak for others but we settled in FH for the good elementary schools and convenience to the city. HIPSTERS , YUPSTERS and whateva wannabe cool types wont come here cos its not cool to say you live in FH. I guess you are cool if you live in a neighborhood that was economically depressed at one point. *shrug*

    1. I used to live in the city; I don't want roommates and rather spend money on booze and restaurants (and dating) -- therefore, priced out. Noone cares about your family; this is NYC - everyone in the world wants to live here.

      If people want to live in a religious sect or a suburban cul-de-sac, then 1) move to LI 2) move upstate 3) move out of state.

      The location is too attractive to serve the 'King of Queens' anymore....

    2. Wholeheartedly agree with everything you said, except to point out that you still live in the city.

      Thanks for commenting.

  7. Anonymous @10:20 You'll care about family when you have one. There are families in Forest Hills and they matter just as much as the single people. If only single people lived here (as your message seems to support) that would be dull and bizarre. And "The King of Queens" is a human whose money spends just as your twenty-something green does. People know FoHi and when I say I live there they say positive things.
