
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

And Yet Another Fire Tonight

This one's on 66th Avenue & 108th Street... The police say it is another residential fire of a house under construction. Thanks to Natalya for emailing in these pics. The first was tweeted by the Police tonight.

The 112th Precinct tonight tweeted: "We're aware of the recent rash of residential fires in Forest Hills We're coordinating with FDNY and other investigative authorities."


  1. Four in a span of nine days... Something is up..

    1. Omg so scary what is going on with all of these fires. This morning I woke up the the helicopters over us.

    2. nah, this seems totally normal. rash of fires in a concentrated location? nothing suspect at all.

  2. We heard the helicopter over us as well, and I heard blaring sirens go off again with the fire trucks running down 108th street. What's up with all these fires????

    Just too many to be a coincidence.....

  3. Has anyone considered that these might be hate crimes? I don't mean to stereotype, but that area of the north side of Queens Boulevard has a heavy Bukharian population, which makes it a possibility. At the low end, it might be an arsonist who is not pleased by the McMansion construction (my understanding is that all of the houses are new construction.)

    1. I agree. Those McMansions are ugly and I cringe every time yet another goes up, but maybe the arsonist is a Russian mobster. Who knows if a few of these homeowners aren't associated with some shady doings.

    2. i would lean more towards shady individuals cashing out over the option you mentioned above.

  4. Replies
    1. yea you're probably right 4 different families decided to coordinate the destruction of their homes and belongings to make a buck. It's not like they spent years trying to build their homes, planning every single detail to the doorknob. These are obvious hate crimes. I know one of the families whose house burned down, you on the other hand know nothing. So don't make hate based accusations when there are families out there suffering. I'm not a fan of the houses in that area either but I don't automatically think the worst of people.

    2. yea you're probably right 4 different families decided to coordinate the destruction of their homes and belongings to make a buck. It's not like they spent years trying to build their homes, planning every single detail to the doorknob. These are obvious hate crimes. I know one of the families whose house burned down, you on the other hand know nothing. So don't make hate based accusations when there are families out there suffering. I'm not a fan of the houses in that area either but I don't automatically think the worst of people.

    3. ^^ six out of the seven fires involved homes that were under construction and empty. their belongings were not inside and neither were the individuals. safety and loss of possessions was not an issue for them. cashing out is very plausible theory.

  5. What caused the fire at the abandoned Parkway hospital last month?

    1. It's probably the same arsonist responsible for the house fires that occurred recently in Forest hills

  6. The one behind the Y was electrical and the apt fire was appliance. The most recent could have been an accident as it started shortly after a crew left the site. As for the biggest blaze? That's still sketchy.

    Point being, despite being an odd cluster, doesn't necessarily mean it's all criminal.

  7. The latest with some more info...seems like the apt one is the only one ruled out at this point
