
Monday, November 16, 2015

Confirmed! Shake Shack Coming to Forest Hills!

In what just might be the most important news for Forest Hills since the Stadium started up concerts again, Shake Shack confirmed this morning that they will be opening in the former Strawberry store location on Austin Street: Shack HQ Confirms: Queens Is Getting Another Standalone Shake Shack

Just some early thoughts as the news that this is really happening sinks in:
1) This will be awesome for the Austin St. shopping district of Forest Hills. It will bring in tons of new shoppers to the neighborhood. The lines that usually stretch outside a Shake Shack (if they materialize, and judging by the lines we already get inside our Chipotle, I'd be shocked if they didn't) will be mostly younger potential shoppers for all of the other retailers surrounding our new Shack. If these retailers are smart, they will take advantage of these crowds somehow. In fact, I hope the Shake Shack invigorates Austin Street all the way down to Ascan, an area that can especially use a boost.
2) It will also bring in tons of younger shoppers to the neighborhood, and as a result, could very well change the dynamic of the shopping we have along Austin Street, possibly attracting retailers aimed at younger shoppers.
3)  Personally, I am surprised—surprised that Shake Shack has skipped over supposedly "hipper" Queens neighborhoods like Astoria and Long Island City to open up their first stand-alone location here in Forest Hills.
But then, when I think about it more deeply, I can see why:
  •  More younger people are moving into Forest Hills
  •  There are already a ton of the younger folk here
  •  Also, pretty much every demographic seems to love Shake Shack, and we have just about every demographic living here
  •  Austin Street is an extremely attractive shopping district with just the upscale feel Shake Shack loves (though it's been struggling a bit in some regards as of late—this will put a stop to that struggling)
  •  Austin Street is easily accessible by both car and public transit, so expect people to come to Shake Shack from all around Forest Hills
  •  The Strawberry location itself is ideal for a Shake Shack. It is a two-story building with more than enough space to eat in, along with huge windows, and sits at the head of a side street, making it extremely visible to shoppers not only on Austin Street, but those coming down 71st Avenue.
I'll have more to say about this exciting development in the days and weeks to come. The only downside I see for our neighborhood is that Shake Shack has now forced me to put off my plans to become a vegetarian. I know they have a mushroom burger, and I've tried it, quite good actually. But I'm sure that those who are fans of The Shack like I am can understand why my vegan plans are now on hold.

Below is my chart of who Shake Shack will compete with and who it won't, since there's been a lot of discussion about this over on the Blog's Facebook Page. All burger places in the year 2015 are not same, anything but. We've moved way beyond the days of McDonald's versus Burger King. You may be surprised by my take on this, but you have to take into consideration the different types of consumers each burger place is trying to appeal to. Bareburger, for example, is really a health-food restaurant that just so happens to make burgers. My conclusion: they will not be competing with Shake Shack which is anything but that.

The new Shake Shake will compete with in Forest Hills:
  • Twist & Smash'd (When I had their burgers, I thought to myself they reminded me of Shake Shack.)
  • Cheeburger Cheeburger (Both chains are going for the consumer who wants to have a filling, delicious burger and isn't watching calories)

Doesn't compete with:
  • McDonald's (today, our McD's of old is anything but the premium fast food burger outlet that Shake Shack is.)
  • Bareburger (A health food restaurant with tons of different proteins and salads, along with some tasty indulgent foods. But "healthy" is the word here at Bareburger. A low-fat Bison Burger is nothing like a Shake Shack burger. Bareburger has a particular niche for those who want a healthier option and I predict they will be minimally-impacted by the new Shack. I myself will still mostly go to Bareburger since I am careful about what I eat, and when I'm in the mood for a real treat, will visit The Shack.)
  • Pubs that sell burgers (Most people don't seek out their local pubs for a burger. They go to the pub and then say, "Hmmm, I'm in the mood for a burger with my beer." Burgers are an afterthought at pubs.)


  1. Strategic decision to supplement the Queens Center location and spread out the anticipated large crowds.

  2. I'm going to get so fat!

  3. Since we already have a great burger place (Bareburger), I was hoping to see a worthy Chinese restaurant open up there, a noticeable void in the neighborhood since Liang's closed.

    1. Bareburger doesn't even stock american cheese! Good restaurant, but NO COMPARISON for a delicious, traditional cheeseburger.

  4. Forget becoming vegan. Embrace the fatness, LOL!!!

  5. People in Forest Hills have MONEY - that is why Forest Hills instead of Astoria and LIC.

    1. Actually, LIC is one if the few neighborhoods in Queens where people have more money than in FH. Just look at the apartment prices in LIC--they are usually at least double the prices in FH.
      But I think the big downside for a Shake Shack in LIC is the lack of a central business district where people walk, shop and eat. This results in very little foot traffic in most of LIC (at least the parts I have visited).
      Contrast this with FH, which has a central business district with a lot of foot traffic. I think this, combined with the big increase in young professionals who have moved to FH in the last few years, makes FH a very attractive location for Shake Shack.

  6. How about an Equinox gym in FoHi to burn off all those extra calories now that we have a plethora of burger options? Since NYSC went to a low-end business model in a desperate attempt to escape bankruptcy, it's become an overcrowded and intolerable gym environment.

  7. So, how much did Shake Shack pay your blog to basically create copy for their Marketing Department? This is disgusting.... and hack at best. OMG OMG BURGERS!! SHAKES!!! That nasty McDonalds has been on Continental since the 60's, I think people in FH know that burgers and shakes exist. Nonsense.

    1. In answer to your question, they paid me nothing. I don't accept payments from anyone for what I write on my blog. I am a resident of Forest Hills who enjoys seeing our neighborhood improve. Shake Shack, which is a freakin' awesome premium fast food chain, certainly will do that. I'm as sure of that as I am that an independent bookstore will soon open on Austin Street somewhere after Barnes & Noble closes in 2016.

    2. Wow, talk about not being in touch with reality. Shake shack is one of the most successful New York born food chains, heck businesses in general, for a reason. It is a great product. No shills required.

    3. Speaking of B&N, I asked a worker inside when the last day is. He said December 31st...

  8. As much as how SS would bring in more visitors to our hood, don't forget that means real estate would increase, inevitably driving away many small businesses and I'm also afraid for the heap pizza places around I mean, SS or think slide pizza with your cool pals? I'm sure surrounding restaurants aren't too thrilled about this. Not to mention how xingetaws the blocks would be on the weekends.

    1. I don't agree with your conclusion. Shake Shack will be a destination in Forest Hills for many people from surrounding areas, who once in the 'hood will spend time walking around, noticing all the other places we have. These same people are likely to come back to spend money at other restaurants and stores that they see, some of them, I am sure, for the first time.

    2. By the way, you can find examples of this in many places. When a popular establishment opens, usually other ones open nearby it, hoping to get a piece of the business the popular place is attracting. They serve as a draw or magnet for other businesses to open nearby.

    3. And one other thing, our area has a big enough population that there is plenty of room for any great restaurant to flourish here. But they have to be "great." For a long time, mediocre to outright terrible establishments have existed here. How? I can only conclude it's because they didn't have much competition. That's not the case anymore. Along with my bookstore prediction, I predict you will also see additional eating establishments that are unable to compete on quality and value close their doors. Thankfully, all the places I love in Forest Hills are able to do so.

    4. Exactly. It's what we in the business refer to as an anchor, and it draws other businesses, not pushes them out. Well, the above mentioned burger places might get pushed out, but no big loss. Also, it won't affect real estate prices much, in the short to medium turn. There are dozens of empty storefronts or soon to be empty store fronts on and around Austin Street. Landlords are not going to be able to jack the price up on a space that has sat empty for 9 months simply because of Shake Shack coming.

    5. Sure hope you optimists are correct in your predictions. The whole area needs to attract higher quality restaurants. Other than The Old Siam, Sushi Time and Nick's Pizza, I don't find that the restaurants in the area to be all that appealing. Any suggestions for me?


    7. For me it is Mint's Thai, Sushi Time, Nick's, and Jack & Nellie's. Hopeful for Rove.

    8. Burger, fries and a soda--not even a shake, costs in excess of $12 at the Westbury location and will probably cost closer to $15 in Forest Hills. That's not a threat to the cheapest of eats around here.

    9. Personally, as a resident of FH for close to 20 years, though I welcome SS I really wish those street vendors and food trucks would go bye bye--imo, they make the area seem tacky and crowd the open spaces/sidewalks. Just my own thoughts...

    10. While aesthetically the food carts might not be the greatest (usually, though some can be pretty nice), I have to say I am a HUGE fan of the Mexican food cart parked in front of Citibank on 71st. I've eaten from there many many times and the food is awesome. I really think they're right up there with the best tacos in the neighborhood.

    11. food carts should go away completely. it makes austin st look like steinway.

    12. The halal cart in front of CVS on Queens Blvd is great

  9. Perhaps Danny Meyer will give us other eateries such as Blue Smoke.

  10. OMG.

    I guess my biggest hope here is that a successful Shake Shack will encourage OTHER medium-to-upscale businesses to move to Austin Street. No more 99 Cent stores and empty storefronts!

  11. Thank Effing God!!! This is a game changer. LOVE Shake Shack. And, I have been pretty miserable about the FH dining options since moving here from Manhattan 3 years ago. For whatever reason, this neighborhood doesn't like to support good restaurants. (I have some theories that I will keep to myself) I don't understand how a neighborhood with such a large Asian population can only have some crappy American or Kosher Chinese and run of the mill Thai and nothing authentic. My family goes to Elmhurst at least once per week for our fix.

    Drake, I think you may be underestimating the hit that Bareburger is going to take from this. While some people go to Bareburger because they fool themselves into thinking it is a lot healthier (marginal at best and not worth the huge taste tradeoff!), I think even more people go there simply because it is the best burger in town. Personally, I think that their beef burger, like most grass-fed burgers, is flavorless overground garbage masked by delicious fresh toppings. Yet I go there a lot because it is better than Cheeburger or Twist. Twist had potential but is SO inconsistent that I refuse to go back anymore. And because Bareburger is the nicest dine in. The large group of diners like me will go to SS for the better burger and equally nice decor to dine in at.

    I think Bareburger will take a big hit (stay tuned for "Special Combos" posted on their window), Twist will go out of business, and Cheeburger will be unaffected (because if you eat there, you don't care about the burger being good, it is a glorified diner). and as you said, McD and the pubs will be unaffected.

    1. "I have some theories that I will keep to myself" -- you can say it...the people historically around here have been cheap plebes...who like tacky establishments (exotic food = thai...). And then you have the religious folks who are dietary constrained - another knock for quality locations.

      I was born around here, so I have a feeling about this... But the neighborhood is changing -- thank Zeus!!!

    2. Yeah, both of those points were in my head.

    3. I go to Cheeburger for their milkshakes. Almost consistently great. The half and half is pretty good too if you just want to junk out. Burgers? I'm consistently disappointed.

      A lot of people like Bareburger, but I just find myself not really going there. The concept is good and I support it, but the taste and price aren't on point for me.

      Right now, if I really want a good burger fix, I go to a place I don't really see people mention for burgers... Jack & Nellies! Everyone should try it once. So juicy and meaty and seasoned well. They have their signature burger which changes from time to time and is delicious, but you can order it however you want.

      Back in the day, Dirty Pierres was my go to spot. I live in a different spot now and it's more out of the way, so it's been a while since I've had it. Can't comment on current quality. I bet it's good though. English muffin bun!

      Shake shack is going to be welcomed with arms wide open for me :)

  12. Has this area no more imagination than to rave about yet another burger joint?
    Would you also be jumping up and down for another takeout pizza restaurant?
    Haven't you people ever been to Brooklyn?

    1. Yep, Brooklyn's great. So is The Shack.

    2. Anyone who refers to Shake Shack as "yet another burger joint" obviously is not familiar with Shake Shack at all. As many other commenters here recognize, Shack Shack is a very unique place--it's an upscale fast-food burger place that was created by a famous chef (Danny Meyer). Because the ingredients used are so high-quality and the food so delicious, Shake Shack is the type of place that attracts huge crowds at all of its existing NYC locations (we're talking lines out the door and halfway down the block crowds at most of the current NYC locations).
      So yes, the planned opening of Shake Shack in Forest Hills deserves to be "raved" about because it is a very big deal for our neighborhood. The only other stand-alone Shake Shack locations in NYC outside of Manhattan are in DUMBO, Downtown Brooklyn and Prospect Heighs. I think the fact that Shake Shack has chosen Forest Hills for its first stand-alone location in Queens (the mall is not really a stand-alone location) speaks volumes about how much FH has improved as a neighborhood over the last few years. Hopefully, this will encourage other upscale restaurants and stores to consider opening locations in Forest Hills.

    3. Not sure I get the culinary "uniqueness" or "upscale quality" of the cult of Shake Shack. The Shackburger is a basic beef burger patty (short rib, sirloin and brisket) with processed American cheese, some lettuce, tomato and onion on a Martin white potato bun with Shack Sauce (thousand island dressing). If you are looking for variety of toppings and cheeses, well, there is always In-N-Out to wish for. Yes, it was founded by Danny Meyer who btw is NOT a trained chef but a restauranteur. Personally, I don't understand the fuss. But I guess the Middle East loves them because there more Shake Shacks there than in NY ! Lebanon (2), Dubai (6), Abu Dhabi (4) Kuwait (7) and Qatar (1) Jeddah (1).

    4. Yes, you figured it out, Shake Shack is a Middle Eastern conspiracy.

      Now, as for why Shake Shack is exciting, that's because it is delicious.

      As for In-N-Out, those are splendid as well. Having eaten more than my share of them in my lifetime, I have to say they are almost as good as Shake Shack's. Not quite, but pretty close.

    5. @FHGUY there is a stand alone shake shack on old country road in westbury. not exactly the cutting edge gentrified cool or upscale neighborhood you think SS caters to.

    6. There is also a Shake Shake opening up in the Queens Center Mall in 2016. Need I say more????

    7. Anon 1, Westbury is adjacent to the Roosevelt Field Mall (which has Nordstrom and Bloomingdale's) and there are many other upscale stores and restaurants in that area. I think most people would agree that Westbury is an upscale area. I also never said anything about FH being "gentrified cool". What I said is that FH has improved a lot over the last few years.
      Anon 2, the mall location of Shake Shack is not a stand-alone location. I think there are very different factors that Shake Shack looks at regarding the decision to locate in a mall versus at a stand-alone location. I think the factors for the mall location have more to do with the amount of business that the mall does on a daily basis than the neighborhood where the mall is located. While Elmhurst is not an upscale area, people from many other neighborhoods in Queens go to the mall to shop and eat.

  13. The Forest Hills shopping district including Austin, Metropilitan Av, and Queens Blvd draws in visitors from as far away as Howard Beach, Ridgewood, Fresh Meadows, and South Ozone Park. Honing in from such a huge population base, SS will do enormously well in Forest Hills and Elmhurst.

  14. To the OP East Ocean Palace on Queens Blvd (next door to Sam Ash) is authentic Chinese .

  15. Honestly, I can take or leave the burgers. What I'm REALLY excited about is what this means for our little neighborhood!

  16. Shake Shack really doesn't have much to worry about, what with the better location, better prices, and amazing, consistent quality. I've never seen anyone actually in the Twist'd place, even after it was in TONY's top burgers issue, and Cheeburger Cheeburger is a slightly better version of Johnny Rocket's, which is to say mediocre at best. Bareburger is SO overpriced. I've easily dropped $45 on lunch for two over there (never again)... A single burger at Shake Shack is around $5 and a double is under $8. There's a reason that people line up. Yay for us!!!

  17. Now I wish something good would open up on Metro where the Sizzler once operated...

    1. Me too! That's a great location.

    2. Pretty certain there's a sign up at the old sizzlers that says outback coming soon

    3. Outback really??? So much for my dream of a White Castle I guess--lol...

    4. oh man, that is awful.

  18. Off topic, I know, but has Cippollini opened yet? Does anyone know? And if not, any idea on when they will? I heard mid-November, but that was a while ago.

    Sorry to ask this here. :)

  19. They are aiming to open before Christmas.

  20. Maybe we can get Shake Shack and the other big retailers (since city isn't do much) to clean up our sidewalks and streets; our streetscape on Austin St and 71st Ave is an embarrassment. The streets need to be repaved, need new trees and plantings, more pleasing storefront signage, get rid of the graffit (have you seen the LIRR underpass lately?), etc.

    1. I can't agree more. There is a foul, oily sludge on the sidewalk outside of Chipotle most evenings. It's disgusting. Let's hope Shake Shack will find another way of disposing the trash that will be piling up.

  21. It is extremely amusing that many people were furious about dunkin donuts setting up shop because of a sub-par bakery around the corner... yet shake shack sets up shop and everyone is a buzz with joy and glory. christmas came early! no regard or concern about franchise/big business creeping in and stealing market share from the other burger joints and pubs. well done fh residents well done.

    1. What other burger joints are you so endeared to that you are referring to? One of them, Bareburger, may be impacted, but I don't really think it will be a major competitor since Bareburger has a niche in health food offerings which Shake Shack does not.

      And why would a Shake Shack impact a pub which sells all kinds of food and mostly relies on drinks?

      I think any good restaurant in this neighborhood can compete if they are good - there are thousands of people living in and around our neighborhood. On the weekends Forest Hills is abuzz with tons of people from all areas nearby.

      As for the Dunkin' Donuts, my only problem with that coming to the corner of Ascan and Austin was that that corner was so picturesque and upscale. I thought it would be an ideal spot for a wonderful indie cafe instead of a mediocre–at best—chain, which is what we now have. That was a missed opportunity, and a shame. Dunkin' Donuts rarely close and leave once they open, so it looks like we are stuck with that for a long time to come. Too bad. And imagine how cool a bookshop would have been at the heavily-trafficked corner, especially when B&N closes in December.

    2. The other burger joints suck, except for Bareburger. Shake Shack is a New York born restaurant chain, just like Bareburger. Expanding nationally and internationally, but company owned - not a franchise! Bareburger has 22 NY locations to Shake Shack's 16, so I am not anyone is going to say "poor Bareburger!". As Drake said, pubs will not be affected at all. And who cares if Cheeburger or Twist is affected?

  22. The owner of the DD on Ascan keeps his property in tiptop shape and he has decorated it nicely for the holiday season. He put benches and flower pots outside for visitors to enjoy and relax. I wish we had more caring merchants like this in the FH area.

    1. All well and good, and so do I. But it's still a Dunkin' Donuts, which can be found at any truck stop. Is that really the best this corner could have done? Really? (Not to mention, in my opinion their coffee doesn't come close to Red Pipe's in terms of taste.)

    2. I have nothing against DD as I frequent them quite often but as to the point relating aesthetic I can agree. My only addition would be the fact that DD is not unique to forest hills as I can list multiple ones within a 1-2 miles radius--one on metro, one on yellowstone, one on continental, the one on ascan...there is such a thing as too much DD--I make the same claim with the 2 Starbucks (Austin and Coninental) being so close to one another...over saturation is not a good thing folks :/

  23. Burger at Jack and Nellies is good.
    Tap Room and Irish Cottage also have a solid burger (and wings).
    Cheeburger is grease.
    Twist is also good, but lousy "fries".
    Station House also has a good burger and is my go to place because of the friendly staff and beer menu.
    Stinky Pierre has good food, but the place is a tiny hole in the wall after all.
    Sushi Time is great.

    My issue is that I have no idea what retailers you are all talking about. Do you really shop in the stores here???? I have no idea how most of them pay their rent, because the vast majority of them are almost always empty. Sure, Victoria Secret and Sephora do plenty of business, but beyond that??

    70th has plenty of options for food, but they mostly suck. Bangkok has solid Thai though.

    The new Rove has an uninspiring menu and I see no reason to go there.

    The popcorn truck needs to go. They make a mess and who really needs a food truck for popcorn?

    I agree that we do not want franchises here, just look at Buffalo Wild Wings and the nasty food they offer. With that said, maybe SS will bring us the one stable burger joint we need and then it will be the last so other cuisines can come.

    The biggest issue here is who the concerts attract. Punk kids, thugs, and druggies.

    We need a solid NY deli. No

  24. Burger at Jack and Nellies is good.
    Tap Room and Irish Cottage also have a solid burger (and wings).
    Cheeburger is grease.
    Twist is also good, but lousy "fries".
    Station House also has a good burger and is my go to place because of the friendly staff and beer menu.
    Stinky Pierre has good food, but the place is a tiny hole in the wall after all.
    Sushi Time is great.

    My issue is that I have no idea what retailers you are all talking about. Do you really shop in the stores here???? I have no idea how most of them pay their rent, because the vast majority of them are almost always empty. Sure, Victoria Secret and Sephora do plenty of business, but beyond that??

    70th has plenty of options for food, but they mostly suck. Bangkok has solid Thai though.

    The new Rove has an uninspiring menu and I see no reason to go there.

    The popcorn truck needs to go. They make a mess and who really needs a food truck for popcorn?

    I agree that we do not want franchises here, just look at Buffalo Wild Wings and the nasty food they offer. With that said, maybe SS will bring us the one stable burger joint we need and then it will be the last so other cuisines can come.

    The biggest issue here is who the concerts attract. Punk kids, thugs, and druggies.

    We need a solid NY deli. No
