
Monday, November 30, 2015

Forest Hills Winter Festival is Today


  1. 5:00- 8:30. Food, music, raffles.

  2. I'm working late tonight, but I'd love to see other people's photos or hear how it went! They didn't close down Continental Av during rush hour, did they?

    Did anyone get any free stuff? :)

  3. I had stopped over around 5:45 and to be honest, it was underwhelming. I had expected more (i.e. food vendors, activity centers, etc.). Instead, what I found was that on 71st Road, near the parking garage entrance of the Windsor, there was a few tables and tents over them. People were sitting listening to some live performances which was okay. The only "giveaways" or promotions seems to be for some local services including The Daily News. No food vendors of any kind or anything like that for the matter, except for a pack of Oreo like cookies that were being passed around from one person to another.

    I was actually disappointed and was hoping for a lot more especially with all the flyers being posted around the neighborhood stores.

  4. Too bad you were "underwhelmed" anonymous. My kids had a great time singing and dancing and getting their faces painted. They enjoyed the hot chocolate from Starbucks and the peppermint cookies from Stop and Shop too. You sound like you are very high maintenance. If you wanted to be overwhelmed, you should have bought a ticket to Disney Land.

    1. That's great your kids enjoyed it but for single adults it was an underwhelming event. I went to check it out around 6:30 and it wasn't for me. I was expecting more vendors but it was a chilly night, so i don't know how anyone could want to shop in the cold. If they had enclosed tents that would have been better.

      Please don't be so condescending.

    2. I'm far from high maintenance and it would be good if you refrain from name calling. I can easily call you as someone who is easily satisfied.

      I simply describe my opinion to what I saw - which was some singing, a few tents, and some handouts.

  5. Does this mean that the Holiday street lights are lit now? Yay! I wait all year for that!

  6. I'm so happy that the Austin Street lights are lit now!
