
Friday, November 13, 2015

Logos and Stuff

I know some of you have noticed we recently got a new logo. Well it just so happens I noticed over on Instagram and Facebook that Forest Hills' neighborhood coffee shop Red Pipe is also looking for a new logo and asking everyone to vote on their favorite. The choices are below and you can vote over on their Facebook Page.


  1. All of them except option number one look like beer labels.

  2. They misspelled " organic".

  3. oh god, they typed this into a logo generator. at least they're trying-ish. if they want to connect to our roots, they should do something old/Tudor-style-y

  4. Not only the misspelling of "organic," but also the spelling of the name. Is it one word or two? Make up your mind. And yeah, they all look like beer labels or bar signs. If I were walking by and judging by the logo alone, I'd think it was a brewpub-type place.
