
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Blizzard of 2016 Reader Pics

We'll be posting reader photos of the historic Great Blizzard of 2016, now officially the second biggest snowstorm since New York City began keeping records in the 1800's!

Email yours to

Thanks to Gilda for sending in these pics of snowy, and desolate, Queens Blvd.!

And thanks to Esther for sending in this photo of a snowplow stuck last night at 72nd and 112th Streets...


  1. I haven't left the house since Friday evening, so thanks everyone for the photos! I'm really appreciating them!

  2. The stuck plow in front of the Seminole: I went out to the driver about 2am with water and snacks, seeing if he needed a toilet break, warm food, anything. He said I was the first person to acknowledge him and offer assistance. Everyone else took pics and walked away. C'mon, guys ... help out a bit more next time.
