
Friday, January 8, 2016

First Poll of 2016!

I haven't done one of these in a while. Here's a food one. I'll have a non-food one posted up soon...


  1. IMO, one of these in Forest Hills would do exceptionally well -

  2. French all the way! The one that used to occupy the space where Aged is now has been sorely missed. (What was the name of that place? Amazing cheese board.)

  3. Bahn mi ... fried chicken ... Korean ... gourmet sandwiches that are affordable ... healthy options like the Little Beet

  4. When are we going to get some new places on Restaurant Row? It's been completely disheartening to see no one in the UNOs space yet and for the Santa Fe space to sit vacant (absent pop-up Halloween stores) for years the way it has.

  5. Developers are eyeing 70 Rd so don't be surprised if the rest of the remaining restaurants start closing soon.

  6. Some place that makes good tossed custom salads!!

  7. have you been to Finback Brewery? i wish it would just move over a few blocks so we could say forest hills has a brewery. went there for the first time this weekend and it felt like i left NYC for a brief moment. wide selection of interesting beers made on premise + games.

    1. Looks great. Thanks for letting me know. I agree. We need a brewery big-time and they're popping up all over the place, so who knows? But at least we're getting a Shake Shack. I just had their limited time only Oatmeal Cream Pie shake and it was pure heaven.
