
Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Great Blizzard of 2016

I don't use the word "Great" lightly.

I have been through so many Nor'Easters in my lifetime and I have to say this is a really ferocious one. I can't recall a storm making it this difficult to walk just a few blocks! I did manage to make it from the north side of Queens Blvd. to Austin Street though, but I wouldn't recommend it!

What struck me is the mix of normalcy—a lot of stores were open at midday, Key Food, Starbucks, McDonald's, Radio Shack, food vendors were open, some people were walking their dogs—contrasted with the unusual: major roads virtually impassable and completely empty of cars, parked cars buried, snow drifts...


  1. Thanks for the great shots!

  2. Wow, thanks for taking these shots!

  3. Cool pics-gotta give it to the Halal guy for being a trooper

  4. Great pics. Thank you for letting us see without having to leave the house.

  5. For once, I'm super glad I don't own a dog. :)

    Thanks for the glimpse outside, Drake! I'm grateful that I didn't have to get all bundled up in order to see it!

    The Halal guy - all I can say is, wow. That's dedication.
