
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Workin' on the Shack

Work has suddenly sped up on the Shake Shack on Austin St., scheduled to open sometime in April...


  1. DOT shoukd revisit the lack of crosswalks at that part of Austin Street. No crosswalk markings. No stop signs. No traffic lights. With higher peddestrian traffic anticipated here with the opening of SS, the risk of someone getting hit by a motor vehicle will increase.,

  2. I totally agree. There should defiantly be more side walks on Austin between Ascan to 71st. This is a disaster waiting to happen.

  3. It's so interesting to me that we have a great new place opening in FH and the first two comments in response to the update provided in this post is to make it seem like the opening of Shake Shack is a negative thing because of increased foot traffic in that area of Austin Street.
    Sorry, the opening of Shake Shack is not a "disaster waiting to happen". It is a great development for our neighborhood and it is just another indicator of how much FH has improved in the past few years.
    As for the increased foot traffic, this is not a bad or dangerous thing. It is a great development because it means more people will be coming to FH and discovering all the great things the neighborhood has to offer. I'm not sure if a crosswalk or stop sign is appropriate at that location because it is not a 4-way intersection. But I'm sure that if the foot traffic increases dramatically that the city would make some change at that location to address any safety concerns.

  4. On the contrary FHGuy. I want Shake Shack and other businesses to come to Austin Street. The problem I have is that the city rarely takes proactive steps to ensure the safety of pedestrians. Just look at the configuration of that section of Austin Street and tell me that even without a SS it stands to reason that DOT needs to make adjustments BEFORE any major draw opens for business. It is extremely dangerous there and it is a miracle of miracles that over the years no one has been killed there. Something needs to be done. Our Community Board and City Council should have a meeting to discuss what can be done to improve safety. Next year another major chain may be opening in that same block. I am just plain concerned.

  5. Drake - Any idea if this is the largest SS in the city (or even the chain), floor space wise?

    And not relating to SS specifically, but I agree about the general lack of crosswalks, I need to cross dangerously all the time with my toddler in a stroller and it is frustrating.

  6. I agree that cars vs. people in that area will be a big concern, with no traffic light or stop sign currently. A stop sign would be a huge help. Even at the corner of Austin and Continental, where there is a traffic light, cars constantly run through red lights so they can cross Continental quickly. I've seen so many people almost get hit by cars there, as they don't expect people to be running through red lights!

  7. Mumford and Sons returning to FHS June 16th..

  8. I've lived in Forest Hills for over 10 years and I walk across Austin Street at Continental several times a week. In all this time, I've never once seen a car run through a red light at that intersection. I think if cars were "constantly" running through red lights at that intersection, I would have seen that happen at least once in 10 years.
    Sorry, but the facts just don't support your statement about the intersection of Austin and Continental.

  9. I have seen a number of cars race past the changing light there over the last 15 years. It's not far fetched for anyone walking or driving around there to witness this regular occurance.

  10. Thanks for backing me, Anonymous! I have lived here for 16 years and I take the subway to work every day and cross Austin Street at Continental in the morning and at night. At least once a week I see a car cross Continental Avenue after the light has turned red.

  11. So now "constantly" has turned into once a week. "Constantly" would mean that almost every single car at that intersection goes through a red light. Once a week is a lot less often than "constantly". So your second comment makes it clear that your first comment was totally exaggerated. And I still think once a week is an exaggerated statement. Your tendency to exaggerate has already been proven by the vast difference between your first and second comments.

  12. We have a difference of opinion and it's fine if you do not agree with me. This morning, at 8:15, TWO cars went through a red light at Austin and Continental, headed towards Yellowstone. Have a great day!

  13. Read this in the Queens Tribune. Apparently everybody's fears here were right. Restaurant Row is going to be turned into an 11-story building and all the restaurants will be gone. That's why the landlord was holding out on leasing out the empty restaurants and raised the rent so much that long time staples like Uno's was forced to close.

    If you don't want this to happen, you must make your voice heard at the Community Board 6 meeting this Wednesday 2/10/16 at 7:45pm at the Kew Gardens Community Center (80-02 Kew Gardens Road, Suite 202, Kew Gardens, NY).

  14. I'm generally pro-business - I was supporting Target from day one. I welcome change and I'm excited about Shake Shack and other new eateries. However, I do agree that crossing Austin street is tough. It is only a matter of time until someone gets hit. (And I'll totally confess to jaywalking.)
