
Friday, February 12, 2016

Development Won't Impact All of Restaurant Row

As I mentioned in my previous post, we just didn't have all the information yet about this proposed development. Now, we're getting some more. According to a new story in DNAinfo, the new apartment building will not involve all of Restaurant Row.

Renderings Show Building That Could Replace Forest Hills' Restaurant Row 
Japanese restaurant Narita, steakhouse Aged and frozen yogurt shop Vanilla Sky are not part of the proposed development.
This article has some great  renderings of the proposed development, from a variety of different angles.


  1. The thought of no more Cabana is a very, very sad thing. Patio mojitos are the highlight of my outdoor dining season :(

    1. Not having Cabana anymore is ridiculous. That place is constantly packed all the time.

  2. I'm glad Narita would ostensibly be saved. It's the only place my family and I regularly go to on that block.

  3. Can't believe that a mediocre place like Aged (where the steaks can serve as bricks for the next condo) will spared the wrecking ball while a great place like The Grill will be lost. Awful.

  4. Anyone else nervous that this might mean the end of non-chain restaurants on this block? All I hear when people talk of these new developments is jacked up rents that no independent restaurant owner could possibly afford.

  5. Some other thoughts on the "thoughtful development" - the restaurants do bring people to the area. Overall, you'd have to think Target would have an interest in how this plays out, because if the impact of losing the row really does decrease the amount of people visiting, that would decrease the foot traffic, and thus their sales. In an ironic twist, Target would have way more influence in opposition (if they believe that to be the case) than us residents signing a petiton.

  6. I'm glad narita will be saved. This is so unfair to the grill, which seems to be doing well. But to everyone saying on the other post that the restaurants like cabana aren't any good, is that why there is an hour wait on the weekends??

  7. That Morali architect is lazy. He re-used the same design from the Aston.

    Can Cord Meyer sue them for that?

  8. I wouldn't spend much time worrying about Target! I'm confident it will do fine. I do suspect the Austin Street we've known for years is shifting to big chains - bigger than before. I doubt that any indy business will be able to squeeze in when behemoths like Target and, to an extent, Shake Shack are paying big rents. I'm indifferent about development. One one hand, our neighborhood is changing. (The Aston is ugly, as are the buildings that went up on 72nd Ave. Someone should lose their jobs over these warts on the neighborhood.) We do need standards. But stopping development is just not realistic. Plus, I'm optimistic it will increase the value of my co-op. I'd love to see a thoughtful new building that includes the current restaurants. That row is a gem.

  9. The restaurants that will be closing are just unfortunate victims of their locations. It has nothing to do with the quality of their food.
