
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Value Depot Mystery Solved

For the two of you who were breathlessly wondering what was going on with our delightful Value Depot on 71st/Continental Ave., well, it's becoming another discount store. Not very surprising given the location... Forest Hills' Value Depot Closes to Make Room For Another Discount Store 

Personally, I've never set foot in the Value Depot. In fact, this story is the most I've given any thought to it on the Blog. But for those of you always on the lookout for a bargain, I suppose the news will be welcomed that you'll still have a place to go...


  1. It seems to be remarkably popular! I've found a few wonderful odds and ends there over the years. My husband had surgery and it was great to pick up cheap clothes that could be cut to fit the cast. Also, when my fourth Keurig died, I picked up a $19.99 pot that still works.

  2. Glad to see Anonymous has had a good experiences with this place. The 1 time I went in there I picked up a bunch of clothes and spent about $35. I brought them all back as they were mis-sized and crappy. The guy refused to reimburse me and said they were going out of business. I asked for a credit and he refused. He was still there several years later.

  3. I'd love to see their tax returns...

  4. Good. At least we will get rid of that hideous cheap looking sign!
