
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Food Truck Frenzy

I was walking by the new empanada truck on the north side of Queens Blvd. and the crowd was ridiculous. It looked like they were having a Lollapalooza or something. Isn't it obvious that we need more inexpensive take-out joints in Forest Hills? I know one issue is the rents along most of Austin Street, but there are a few smaller storefronts, especially on the Ascan end of the street and a bunch of them are sitting empty.

Anyway, here's another pic I snapped of the crowd, and this was during a much less busy moment:

I was thinking that MacDonald Park should be put to some better use and become a place where the food vendors can go if the landlords on Austin aren't going to make it affordable for them all to open there. What do you all think? I think that park is vastly underused aside from some chess playing and some sitting around. Why not make it a center for all the new food trucks that are starting to come into the neighborhood?


  1. I've seen them over on that corner several times. Is it their "official" spot, or do they ever change location?

  2. Good thought on MacDonald park but the parking then would be even worse than usual! Unless you mean inside the actual park which would be pretty cool!

  3. MacDonald Park gets a good deal of usage in the warmer weather months, and is a relatively safe haven for the elderly in our community to spend time. It's already difficult enough to maintain this space. I would hate to see it become even more over-run with liter due to food trucks.

    As an aside, for anyone interested, the first "Spring" clean-up at MacDonald Park will be taking place on 4/9, from 10 am 1 pm. All ages are welcome, and no experience necessary. Community credit given to students. Projects include - cleaning, weeding, planting, mulching, pruning, watering and painting. Gloves, water and snacks are provided.

    1. Put the seniors in a home -- we need cooler places in Forest Hills. Again, this is NYC, and we're getting priced outta Manhattan and Brooklyn; change is coming to Forest Hills...!

    2. geez....FWIW I like seeing the elderly in our community. And there are tons of them too. I dont think they should be "put in a home" and out of sight just cos you want "cool places".
      If you need to be in a cool nabe so bad then go check out LIC or Astoria! Thank You!

    3. Agreed. Age-ist comments are mean spirited and unnecessary. My apartment building is about half seniors and they're some of the kindest people I know.

    4. Due to the chilly weather, MacDonald Park clean-up was postponed until next Saturday, 4/16.

      As for the Elderly, you'll find them in LIC and Astoria as well. They're the folks who used to be our age, and loved their neighborhoods so much, they decided to stay :)

      Hopefully, I become one of them someday.

      Rather than putting Seniors "in a home", try sitting down and chatting with them sometime. You may learn a thing or two.

    5. Exactly! Don't forget The Golden Rule! If I'm still living in FoHi in fifty years, I hope I'm not sneered at by internet strangers and considered an uncool burden.

      By all means, bring on the new restaurants and businesses, but please, let's do away with this kind of mentality.

  4. which lollapalooza were you at? The one where Hanson and Milli Vanilli headlined. There are like 5 people there and mostly looks like they are checking out what that truck is.

    1. Which part of English don't you understand

    2. Hey, what's with the random Hanson bashing? Hanson are amazing.

    3. Hey, what's with the random Hanson bashing? Hanson are amazing.

  5. Just tried one, since they're on my doorstep, chicken spinach not bad, nice flaky crust, filling a bit like a pot pie which is a little meh for me, but nice to have them around, and at $3 the price is right.

  6. I have been there twice this week! I am no empanada expert but these were pretty tasty! I had the beef and the chicken , oh and the spicy green sauce is damn good too! I am glad they are in are nabe and hope they stick around!

  7. how is it cool that some dude in a truck not inspected by the health department can pull up and sell you food. Spit in the eye of all the hardworking folks who have restaurants nearby and pay rent

    1. Food trucks are a great alternative for people who can't afford to rent restaurant space, and they're becoming increasingly common. Also I believe they're all required to have food handling licenses. Calm down.

  8. The Park is not a food court. Leave my Park alone!

  9. So everyone complains about all the empty storefronts but don't complain about some dude in a van slinging dirty food. All I am saying is that it is better to visit a local establishment and support them. Hard to argue against that.

    1. The truck is a custom Mercedes. Everything is spotless, filled and cooked on the truck. This does not look like the other carts on the street, it is a first class act. The food is very tasty and freshly made at reasonable prices. When I am on the run, it is much better than pizza and the neighborhood needs alternatives to Key Food $5+ prices for take out.

  10. I've bought from Ivan's a few times and their empanadas are good. As someone else mentioned above, they need a license to operate. They also have a twitter account now! It's @IvanEmpanadas. Their posted hours on the truck are M-Sa 10am-8:30pm.

    Also, how come people are complaining about this food truck all of a sudden. Were you complaining about the Wafels and Dinges truck that's here on the weekends or the various food carts that are set up outside CVS, BWW, and Citibank? What's the difference? I highly doubt they are taking away from the restaurants in the area. I go to Ivan's and a local establishments. If anything, they're a sign of growth and development in FH.

  11. Chicken, Chicken and Spinach, Chicken and vegetables. Awesome.

  12. I didn't know about this truck until now. So glad to try something new and awesome. Thanks!
