
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Shake Shack Preview

I attended the "Friends & Family Day" at our new Shake Shack today. I already want to go again and have another burger. The Shack opens to the general public tomorrow at 11 a.m.

Here are some photos...


  1. Is there an elevator to the second floor, or just that long flight of stairs that you have to climb while balancing your food tray?

    1. Didn't notice, I was too busy delighting in every morsel of my burger and fries and salted caramel shake. But, if you find it too arduous to climb the steps to the second floor I suggest either eating on the first floor, or laying off the burger intake and going to the gym.

    2. Ooh, I'd like to know the answer to this, too. Anyone? Wheelchair/handicapped access to the second floor?

    3. Maybe the commenter is handicapped, or a parent with small children (i.e. Likely uses a stroller.) Your attempt at humor is misplaced and pretty rude.

    4. No, the original comment is rude and obnoxious. Its tone is critical and sarcastic and making a judgment of this new business based solely on one photo of those stairs: "or just that long flight of stairs that you have to climb while balancing your food tray." You don't have to do anything. You can eat on the first floor, or not go there at all. My reply was completely justified to an anonymous poster who chooses to criticize a new business that just opened, without even stepping foot in it first. Now that's rude.

    5. I didn't find the original comment to be rude- the person was inquiring and making an observation and trying to be funny about balancing the tray - I didn't particularly find that part funny but I don't think it was overly critical, rude or obnoxious as Drake suggested. At the same time, Drakes response, although I didn't find it funny either, doesn't seem rude. I think the problem is that there have been too many posts in here about the Shake Shack!! We knew it was coming, it's opening today, big deal, move on- as I said in another post, it's just a burger! I think some people on here have this idea in the back of their heads that property values will now double and that SS is some mind blowing experience.

    6. I agree with Drake about the original comment. Anyone who looked at the photos would know that there is seating both on the first and second floors. So there is no need for anyone (whether disabled or not) to go to the second floor (and by the way the bathrooms are on the first floor also). So the way the comment was phrased ("flight of stairs that you have to climb") makes no sense because nobody has to climb anything to enjoy the full Shake Shack experience. So I think Drake came to a reasonable conclusion when he thought that the reason for posting such a comment was to jump to criticize a new business for something that does not deserve to be criticized.
      As for the previous commenter saying that he/she thinks there have been too many posts here about Shake Shack, this is Drake's blog and nobody is forcing you to read it. If you think you can do a better job of covering the important events and happenings in Forest Hills and the surrounding area, then you are always free to start your own blog. In my opinion, Drake is doing an excellent job with this blog. I don't think his coverage of Shake Shack is excessive because I think the opening of Shake Shack in Forest Hills is a big event and I think it speaks volumes about how much Forest Hills has improved over the last several years.

    7. I'm not the original commenter, but I do use a cane to walk and I think it's an important thing to know. What if the there are no seats on the first floor and you *have to* go upstairs? I can manage stairs most of the time, but it's not easy and it takes me a while.

      Having said that, I don't think Drake's response to the OC was rude. It's understandable that he wouldn't have noticed. :)

  2. How crowded do you think this place will be? I've given up many a times after seeing the long lines in their city locations

  3. Is there a C-Line?

  4. Looks good so far! It's funny, I was just telling someone this morning that I haven't had a milkshake in months. I think it's time...

  5. It's fairly hard to gauge "tone" in an internet comment.

    1. It takes practice, like from running this blog for years. After a while, you can sniff out the trolls. But like anything ,this sense is not perfect.

  6. Thanks for promoting our great neighborhood! Let's hope the momentum continues!

  7. No C-line - and I even spoke to the manager, who said they're trying to "move away from that model", which I think is a bad idea. Waited far too long today for just a shake. There are still many kinks to be worked out, including accessibility issues (for walkers, wheelchairs and strollers), and the line situation.
    It's a nice addition, but what we REALLY need is a fast casual Asian place, like Xi'an Famous Foods.
    Also, just a gentle suggestion (genuinely not trolling) - there's some great stuff happening down on Metropolitan (re-opening of Aigner, new organic/Asian market, Silk Cakes expanded offerings) - it would be nice to see some attention paid to these small local businesses, too.

  8. Had it today for the first time. It was good, but I will never get the hype around these fast food burger joints. Im not hating on SS, as I feel the same about In-N-Out. A burger from Station House or Bareburger is so much better than these places in my opinion. To each their own I guess. That said, I do enjoy what it represents to the neighborhood, and the improved aesthetic.
