
Friday, May 27, 2016

Snowdays Grand Opening

Unfortunately, I had to give up after waiting several minutes on the long line.  I'll be back!


  1. Looking forward to trying this! Bright days ahead for this neighborhood of ours...

  2. Looks good so far! That storefront has been empty for far too long.

  3. What does their menu look like?

  4. Forest Hills lately----Lines, lines, everywhere a line " the song goes.

  5. They picked a perfect time to open. It's going to be a hot weekend!

  6. Too expensive for me.

    1. That's the bigger picture here. The neighborhood is going in that direction. Shake Shack isn't exactly a great bargain and for mom and pop shops to survive, the prices need be a bit high. The demographic is changing. Just look at Martha's - again, prices a bit high and look in their window at where they're opening their next location- Williamsburg! If we become anything like that, get used to the whole "too expensive for me" feel.

    2. This is NY. You live in the city, not a suburb. Every thing either is, or will be expensive. Don't like it, move to Long Island...

  7. Doesn't anyone make their own ice cream anymore? It's quite easy and it's a big cost saving for those on tight budgets who can't afford a $5 scoop.

  8. I went last night around 7:30 and the line was out the door. Came back about a half hour later, and the line was more manageable. The guy at the door was nice to let us know they only had green tea matcha left. We decided to give it a try - ordered a small size with strawberries, m&ms, and condensed milk on top. The consistency at first reminded me of ice cream that was freezer burned, but the flavor and lightness of the cream grew on me. It was pricey, but still more than enough to share. I'll be back to check out the other flavors. Hope they stick around - need less empty storefronts on Austin St!
