
Monday, May 23, 2016

Stop and Smell the Flowers

Here's something you don't see every day (or at least in the more than ten years that I've been living here!) Someone has apparently taken the time to ponder the ugliness of Queens Blvd. --- and, wait for it --- actually try to do something about it!

Yes, these delightful little flowers have been sprouting up in the new tree plantings along the north side of our inappropriate neighborhood thoroughfare.

Between these amazing new flowers and trees, and the new bike racks that have been popping up along 71st/Continental (below), our neighborhood is getting some very much needed TLC.

It's good to see Forest Hills now moving to that next stage - where the concern is moving beyond just pure function and towards the acknowledgement that it's the little things that count. And that in a New York City neighborhood today, it's no longer acceptable to get by on pure function alone. Residents expect a neighborhood in this city to delight them in appearance as well.


  1. Nice in theory. The space probably could've been better utilized with a clean citi-bike system. I worry these new bike spaces will be used primarily used by delivery bikes wrapped in black tape and silver spray paint and become an absolute eye-sore for this already congested (and messy-looking) block. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of sprucing up the hood. I'm just going from experience when trying to find a spot for my own bike near Rite Aid and it looking like bike junk yard.

  2. You would think that Cord Meyer who has been in Forest Hills for over 100 years could afford more than $5 of pitiful looking plants to adorn its very expensive properties.

    1. AGREED! I live in a Cord Meyer building on 108th and the landscaping is such an embarrassment. All our neighboring buildings put such lovely effort forth.

  3. The halal food vendo in front of that CVS is disgusting and needs to go!

    1. That's Duane Reade, not CVS.

    2. No, that's CVS where the flower photo was taken , next to Key Food. The Halal guy sits next to the news stand. It is an eyesore and making a mess of the sidewalk.

  4. This clearly is to discourage food trucks. Can't say I disagree.

    1. Wafels and Dinges Truck though....they're awesome.

  5. Where have you been living for the last 25 years? The small things that should have mattered haven't and they never will in such a transient neighborhood such as Forest Hills. We've always had bike racks. And those flowers? Go back and see if they are there come July. The owners will not take care of them. It's a given. Nothing good lasts for long around here or anywhere in our city for that matter. There are many small things and large things that need attention. You need to walk around some more and notice them.

    1. I've noticed one thing, this 'hood would be better off without the likes of a buzz-kill like you. Move if you're so unhappy and let someone with the energy and positive outlook to continue to improve our nabe take over your increasingly valuable living quarters.

  6. The streetscape of Austin St, 71st Ave, Queens Blvd, etc. is awful. I have tried many years to plant in the tree beds but people just step all over the plantings, litter, store owners do nothing not even pour some water on flower. We need more people who care and take initiative. Goes for our city govt also...have you seen the roadbed of Austin St lately?...riddled with potholes. And, don't even mention Queens Blvd...what a horror.

  7. The streetscape of Austin St, 71st Ave, Queens Blvd, etc. is awful. I have tried many years to plant in the tree beds but people just step all over the plantings, litter, store owners do nothing not even pour some water on flower. We need more people who care and take initiative. Goes for our city govt also...have you seen the roadbed of Austin St lately?...riddled with potholes. And, don't even mention Queens Blvd...what a horror.

  8. I saw a group of people working on the tree beds last weekend. I passed by yesterday. They look neat and clean but no plants.

  9. Nearly wall to wall bikes now on 71 Av.
