
Monday, June 13, 2016

More Ice Cream For Austin Street

The latest, coming in next to Shake Shack: I CE NY, Original Smashed and Rolled Ice Cream, which has a location in Greenwich Village on Macdougal Street.

I knew the new Shake Shack would serve as a magnet for other eateries. I could not have predicted the first bunch we would see would be upscale ice cream shops...


  1. What? Jesus, enough already!

    Do you think this will eat into Shake Shack's profits? About 1/3 of their menu is ice cream.

    1. Nah. Doubtful. Shake Shack is in a category all by itself.

    2. I doubt it will affect SS much. Almost nobody is there just for ice cream and once you're already waiting in line, you'd probably get your shake and burger together. Regardless, I don't think the neighborhood will support 3 fancy new ice cream places so 1-2 should be gone by next year.

    3. Yeah, but most people know Shake Shake's food sucks (needs more fat for flavor). It's the shakes/treats that you go there for.

      Perfect Combo: Start at Bareburger, finish meal over shakes across the street at Shake Shack.

    4. Shake Shake food sucks? Compared with ? I've ate at SS at JFK, Long Island, Manhattan, Woodbury Common and even London and I find the burgers very consistent. My last dinner at Bareburger was not culinary perfection. My guest and I asked for a medium done plain beef burger and got a dry, well-done one. Not going back anytime soon.

  2. I'm curious! I looked into Snow Days but was not enamoured. Not my thing :-)

  3. $6.00 a cup is steep.

  4. This street has gone nuts! This looks like the same thing as that Snow Story place opening down the block. One or more will probably fold by the end of the summer. On a side note, I noticed Violets Bake Shop was closed last week to update the menu. That's already a bad sign seeing that they've only been around since like February! Don't any businesses research the block first? There's too many sweet treat shops in that section. Boulangerie is awesome, Bonelle isn't bad, Martha's is great, then there's the Italian pastry shop on the side street, Fay Da also- we have enough dessert shops! I'd love to see a high quality butcher here with a large selection of grass fed products; natural has a small butcher dept.

    1. I tried Violet's a few weeks ago and I hate to say it, but they're really nothing special. I love that Italian pastry shop, though! And Bonelle is seriously underrated. Their breakfast pastries are especially great.

    2. Wow, I'd love a good butcher shop here.

    3. Ditto on the butcher shop! I've been saying that for years! Or maybe an Italian/European specialty shop of some kind, like Iaverone Bros. That might be even better.

    4. The Italian niche is currently being filled by Cipollina on QB but they don't carry meats or many prepared foods. They are more paninis, some pastry and gourmet dry goods. On a side note, the owners are lovely and its worth a stop in. I bought some delicious pine nuts there that were actually NOT from China! Made delicious pesto!

    5. Oops, I forgot about Cippollina! You're right, the service there is excellent and they're a great addition to the area, but I really don't think a second gourmet style food market in FoHi would be overkill, especially if it were further down the other end of Queens Blvd/Austin, to the left of Continental. They'd both have plenty of space that way.

    6. IMO, Cipollina's is a missed opportunity in the area. There's nothing unique on the shelves. Cheeses are pre-packaged and nothing out of the ordinary. Even the Olive Oil selection is 'weak'. It's a nice sized space. It's admittedly filling a need on that section of Queens Blvd, but it really can be a shopping destination servicing all of Forest Hills, Kew Gardens and Rego Park, with a little more effort. The Anonymous poster who mentioned Iaverone Bros is spot on. Another good reference would be Buon Italia in Chelsea Market or even Leo's Latticini in Corona. I've visited the store several times since it opened, and honestly, have purchased 1 or 2 items more because I just wanted to give them some business versus finding the product I was looking for (Calabrese Peppers were an item I most recently looked for. Had to go into NYC for them.)

    7. Years ago we actually had a wonderful Butcher in the neighborhood, on the same block as the Blue Elephant Shoe Store. I used to shop there weekly. Sadly, they lost alot of business to The Natural when they added their Butcher section. I would LOVE to see a real Butcher open in the area. For now, I do my meat shopping at the Sunday Farmers Market.

    8. Susan, are you talking about Homestead Deli? I remember when they were on that block! They're over on Lefferts now. Still great!

    9. Susan, Queens is part of NYC. So I think you meant to say you had to go into Manhattan to get the peppers.

    10. What a wasteful comment. We know what she meant. Most native New Yorkers will say 'going into the city' when referring to Manhattan - even if they live in one of the boroughs which are part of NYC. Why can't we just enjoy this forum and be lighthearted? Do we really need to lecture Susan on which boroughs make up NYC? I think she already knows!

    11. Anon, I don't agree at all that my comment was "wasteful". I think it is important how people who live in Queens talk about where they live. When Queens residents talk about Queens like it is not part of the city, it gives other city residents the impression that Queens is some suburban area that is far away from Manhattan. And Forest Hills is not a suburb and is in fact very convenient to a good part of Manhattan (especially midtown).
      Also, I'm not sure who appointed you as the spokesperson of "most native New Yorkers". I'm a native New Yorker and I don't refer to "the city" as meaning only Manhattan. Just because you think a certain way doesn't mean that "most native New Yorkers" think the same way you do.

    12. No worries FH. Feel free to disagree. I can't keep going back and forth with you on this. All I'll say to end this is that Susan was actually adding substantially to the conversation with interesting facts and discourse - the kind of things we come here for. Your critique of her did not help any of us out in any way and did not contribute anything meaningful to the discussion. Why critique one another in such a way? Let's just talk about our great neighborhood and not get hung up on such little things.

    13. Too funny. At the same time Anon is responding to my comment, he/she says "I can't keep going back and forth with you on this". Guess, what? You just continued the "back and forth" by responding to my comment. If you really feel that my comment didn't contribute anything "meaningful" to the discussion, you are always free to ignore my comment and not respond.

    14. I agree with FHGuy's point of view. I am a native New Yorker, born here in Queens in fact, and I think the major point to understand is that just because something has been, doesn't mean it always will be. New York City has a long history and during that time it has constantly evolved. For example, over the past ten years, we have seen for the first time in recent history a shift in energy to the outer-boroughs, most notably so far, Brooklyn -- and now, more recently, Queens. Just because Manhattan until now has been referred to by most as "the city" does not mean that will be the accepted way going forward as the dynamism of New York City continues to evolve and spread outward as Manhattan, formerly the "city" is more and more unaffordable for the average person.

    15. Thanks Drake. I'm glad to see that you, as the owner of this blog, think that my initial comment did contribute something meaningful to the discussion.
      Contrary to Anon's statement that my intent was just to "critique" Susan, that was not my intent at all. Instead, my intent was to bring up an issue that I think is very important regarding how Queens residents talk about and describe where they live.

  5. Since we're getting the village bug here, I'd love to see the Creperie from MacDougal open here. At least that's a more novel idea since Boulangerie didn't expand into the crepe scene. Enough with the ice cream! And while we're at it, maybe some entertainment to go along with the dining options - a classy piano bar would be awesome.

    1. There is nothing classy about a piano bar.

    2. Sure there is. If it's done correctly. There are a few very nice showtune-oriented ones in Manhattan that attract a fairly diverse, surprisingly youthful crowd. They're a lot of fun.

    3. Thank you to the previous poster for backing up the piano bar idea. Don't Tell Mama on 46th is so full of life and everyone goes to sing along to classics along with show tunes. I have met so many wonderful people there just enjoying life, having a drink and singing along to good music. Please don't be so dismissive and judgmental Kevin. A place like that would be a wonderful addition to the block. People could go out for a nice meal, then head on over for some great music and maybe then go to one of the many dessert places afterwards. Right now the block needs more entertainment to balance out all the eateries. Also, too many clothing shops!

    4. Don't Tell Mama's is fabulous! I've only been there once but I definitely plan to go back!

  6. Let's all get some diabetes and heart disease...

  7. Love the purple. :)

  8. Don't worry about Shake Shack -- worry about what I assume is three Mom and Pops who probably didn't consider that there would essentially be three similar ice cream shops opening on the same block competing with each other for business, In addition to Shake Shack.

    1. Except at least 1 of those Mom and Pop shops is actually part of an upscale chain. I don't know about the other 2, though.

  9. We need some ice cream shops on the other side of Austin Street. Keep it balanced.

  10. And in other news, Wafa's is toast...

    1. Is that from a reliable source? That would really suck if it's true.

    2. To Our Loyal and Dear Friends,

      It is with a heavy yet grateful heart that Wafa's time in Forest Hills is coming to a close. Through the years, we have created bonds so special that we have come to call you all, our family. Mamma Wafa has decided to end her journey of sharing the food her mother once shared with her loved ones.
      We hope that we have inspired you half as much as you have inspired us through the years. Saying thank you is simply not enough for all the support, love and laughter you have filled our lives with!

      Please continue to follow Wafa's Food for
      Updates on where Wafa's will end up next!

      Thank you and always Remember the secret ingredient for everything: Love

      Wafa's Food

    3. Aw. I'm sorry to hear it.

    4. Can't Wafas come to Austin Street, and at least two of those ice cream stores move to Metropolitan Ave? Now THAT would be awesome!

  11. I would not worry about Shake Shack; but 4 new premium Ice Cream places (I include Shake Shake)is pushing it. It's conceivable, that one or two of these places are Pop-Up's and will be gone by October. Not that far fetched if you consider the prices they charge.

  12. Extreme retail cannibalism!

  13. So sad to hear about the closing of Wafa's. By the way, I think Forest Hills deserves a high-quality fishmonger.

    1. I agree. One that sells catfish would be ideal.

  14. No way will all three survive our long hard winters.

  15. So once this is opened there will be two rolled ice cream places?

  16. Any idea when Haagen Daz is closing? The for rent sign has been up for a while.
