
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Target Responds

I received an email from a Target spokesperson regarding my post the other day about the bricking over of the tree pits on the sidewalk in front of the store:
Prior to Target signing our lease with Muss Development, the NYC Parks Department removed dead trees in July 2015 from the sidewalk area at 7000 Austin Street. Since signing the lease, Muss Development and Target have worked with the city and paid to have the tree stumps ground and sidewalks temporarily bricked over so there wasn’t a tripping hazard. We understand the NYC Parks Department will replace the trees at a future date. I’d suggest that you contact the NYC Parks Department to learn about their plans for this space.

We look forward to working with the city and local community to maintain the green space outside our new Forest Hills, Queens store, scheduled to open July 20, 2016.


  1. Thank you, Drake, for bringing this matter into the public eye. Because of your post, Target and Parks Dept. are aware that the community has noticed and cares that trees have been removed. We may never know exactly how the decision was made to remove the trees and brick over the planting pits, but at least the powers that be know that the community is watching.

    1. Is this a serious comment.. are you.. are you serious?

    2. Well I think that letter is clear enough that your comment was both a) unnecessary and b) ignorant. It clearly says the trees were dead and everything was bricked over to avoid a tripping hazard. There was a very specific reason as to why the decision was made to remove the "dead trees" and there is a clear intent to replace accordingly, as the time comes. How about you read before commenting...

    3. We do know how the decision was made, it says it in their letter.

  2. Thanks. That's encouraging .

  3. I'm shocked that your original story received dozens of angry comments, but this story has been sitting here all day without a single peep or apology for rushing to judgement. Shocked, I tells yah!

  4. Wait, they're not evil?

  5. "We may never know exactly how the decision was made to remove the trees and brick over the planting pits."

    There isn't a conspiracy behind everything and Target's explanation is quite clear and perfectly logical. People sue over everything so it makes sense that Target would want to minimize a tripping hazard outside their store. Unlike a concrete slab that requires a great deal of effort to remove, bricks are easier. Target was actually being a good neighbor by doing something that took more time and effort than pouring concrete.

    When the Parks Department decides to replace the tree they will simply lift the bricks out. Talk about a tempest in a teapot.

  6. Thank you for the follow up...

  7. I don't know, still pretty fishy to me. Why was a third, presumably healthy tree removed?

  8. I heard from Councilmember Koslowitz's office that the three trees will be replanted. Shows what the community can do when we speak up!

  9. Neither Muss Development nor Target want or can afford any negativity from the community at this point.
