
Saturday, July 30, 2016

E Train Plan Takes it From Forest Hills, Gives it to Brooklyn

This idea is quite disturbing, arrogant, and obnoxious, and has the potential to be a huge clusterfuck for us. 

From a reader:
I think this article that was featured on Gothamist yesterday is EXTREMELY relevant to us in FH.

Can An E Train Extension Mitigate The Coming L Train Shutdown Hell?  
I'm sure other members of the community would appreciate if you talked about this in some way... I know that it is just a proposal now, but it could potentially take away our access to the E train (not to mention, one less way for ALL New Yorkers to get to the airport).

Personally, I think it's important for members of our community to be aware that this could end up as a possibility, and we need to be prepared to fight tooth and nail against it. At very least, right now we should be voicing our displeasure so that the MTA knows this plan would come at the expense of our community. 
I don't want FH residents to be surprised if this becomes a possibility. I want to make sure we are prepared to fight it. I hope you will spread the message.


  1. I read it and I'm not sure how to take it. It seems like they are suggesting to take unused L cars to the E line so eastern Queens doesn't suffer. I don't think they'd mess with the E on our end since it is the big connection to JFK and quite crowded too, but yes Drake I agree, we should be on notice and ready to deal with the MTA loonies should we need to.

  2. Do you have a contact email for a higher up at the MTA?

    1. No, but you do, via something called Google.

    2. What they are proposing is not terminating the E at WTC and instead having it continue from Chambers into Brooklyn, then transversing up through Brooklyn and Queens via the G line. If they use the extra cars from the L, and think through how to handle breakdowns and congestion caused by the extension (which they do perfectly now...right?) its not a bad idea. I have not seen any proposal that indicates "taking the E away from Queens.

    3. I agree. The reader who sent this article to this blog clearly didn't read or understand it. No where does it say it effects service in Queens. It's only a proposal to extend the E from WTC into Brooklyn and back up to Court Square. This is a non-issue for FH. I have no idea why anyone reading the article can even find a concern for FH here.

  3. The E carries 400,000 passengers daily. I don't think they would touch it.

  4. Oh God, this can't be allowed to happen.

  5. my first comment, but this sort of mandated it. if anyone actually read the article, you would all see that this leaves the E exactly the same for us, extending the line after it terminates at the world trade center. so, we keep it as is, but it runs a longer loop. i'm pretty disappointed that very few people seem to have read this at all.

  6. The only downside (or upside, depending on your opinion of these Brooklynites) is that the L train hipsters will be more likely to explore Forest Hills thanks to the convenience of the E line.

    1. I only see an upside to having more hipsters discover and explore Forest Hills. I never understood the bias that some people have against hipsters. In every neighborhood in NYC where hipsters have migrated in substantial numbers, the neighborhood has improved in terms of better stores, restaurants and amenities. I haven't seen or heard of one NYC neighborhood where hipsters have caused the neighborhood to decline or become a less desirable place to live. If someone can point to any neighborhood in NYC where hipsters have caused the neighborhood to decline I'd be very interested to read about it.

    2. They're already here -- check out Station House; around 25% of the crowd can be considered Hipster(ish). I agree we could use a little more influx of hipsterdom -- better than old people, or religious clans, or Archie Bunkerites.

      The issue with hipsters is the arrogance and condescension they treat others. Privileged White Suburbanite mentality. They were too cool for their little burb in they moved to NY where they can 'belong' -- it also increases the Disneyfication of NY. Read Die Hipster Twitter for some good laughs...!

    3. I get how religious clans and Archie Bunkerites aren't great but what's wrong with old people ?

    4. The problem is with these old people, where they are the cross section of Religious clans and Archie Bunkerites....

    5. I've yet to see a fixed gear bike parked outside Station House, so this talk of a hipster invasion is overblown. The carefully curated beards of the male bartenders at Station House certainly promote the hipster vibe, but I believe it's a marketing ploy.
      Genuine hipsters have no interest in Forest Hills.

  7. Well, I'm an Arab Christian (Atheist actually) and my cousins are Palestinian Muslims. Talk about generalization, especially in this neighborhood... So, please --> don't shine rainbows up my arse...Hipster is a style to choose or not to choose; race/ethnicity, not so much...
