
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

End of Story

Well, this probably won't come as much of a surprise. After all, how much ice cream can Austin St. have? I think this now leaves Shake Shack, Snowdays and the Baskin-Robbins inside Dunkin' Donuts as your Austin Street ice cream choices. Down for the count are Häagen-Dazs and now Snow Story.


  1. Plus the third one next to Shake Shack that never opened.

    1. Oh yeah, I remember hearing that that was going to be a thing! Do we know for a fact that it's not opening after all?

  2. Nope, no surprise here. Walked past the place the other day- dead as a doornail. I did see a few people in Snowdays and it was freezing out, but I guess everyday should be a snowday as they say. Wasn't there supposed to be another shaved ice shop opening up the block in one of the closed clothing shops? I guess they woke up and decided it was a bad idea. Oh well, just another For Rent sign on Austin!

  3. Oh, Snow Story, you left me before i got a chance to taste thee...

    1. When I walked by this past weekend the Rent sign was there but they WERE open, so maybe they are closing in a few weeks?

    2. Don't worry, you didn't miss anything - it wasn't very good

  4. They should have called it SHORT STORY!

    Never had any real promotion, the product was fair, it took too long to service each customer. They did not do their homework to plan beyond a few summer months. Too much competition.

  5. That place was out of biz before they even opened. Horrible business plan.

  6. I'm not surprised this happened, I'm just surprised it happened so FAST!

  7. And now it's time for me to fantasize about all the things that SHOULD go into that space, but won't. They'll probably end up turning it into a tiny bank or something.

    1. What used to be in that space? Was it the Homefront knick knack shop or am I thinking of the Snowdays space? I wish a store like that would open up here on Austin.

    2. if only another cell phone store, dirty deli, gold/pawn shop open. that would be great. we definitely need more of those.

  8. Lets not forget about the frozen yogurt places.. Red Mango, Vanilla Sky, and The tea ice cream place.

    1. Comical thing about all this is that everyone was enraged about dunkin donuts opening up because of the bakery next door but no one has issues with all the burger chains and frozen dessert shops all cramped into the same 6-8 block radius. Very odd to see what irks some and is ignored by the same group.

  9. What is the update with the new Cuban place opening in the old family restaurant on QB?

  10. The ice cream actually tasted good compared to the other shops, but it had a longer wait for the product. As for going out of business, they're plan was to operate only a few months until it got cold, like how the Halloween shops do it.

    1. That's what I am thinking too, it was a seasonal pop up. Unlike Snowdays, this place did not invest any money into a more permanent interior. It wasn't even decorated. Pop up, for sure.

    2. I thought it may have been a seasonal pop up too but I read on DNA Info that they signed a 3 year lease!! Now they're looking to sublet the space and if they can't find anybody by the spring, they'll reopen when it's warm again. I know it was a silly business venture given all the other sweet treat shops there, but I still feel bad for them. What a mess.

  11. Austin Street is so bland compared to Smith street in Brooklyn and 30th avenue in Astoria. Why do we get multiple ice cream shops, drug stores and urgent care centers?

    1. FH is not yet attracting enough single, trend setting types. Just look around Austin on a nice day. You'll see many young couples pushing strollers, middle age, elderly, some teens. The place has a very family friendly reputation (especially for couples with one small child who eventually move to LI). Astoria has more singles and young people in general who got priced out of Manhattan, hence more bars, nightlife, funky shops, etc.

    2. Basically anyone I know thinks FH is way far out of the city, and its not even on many peoples radar when considering places to live. Thats basically why

    3. You should meet more people:

  12. maybe FH just doesn't have the cool factor.

    1. It never did and it never will. It has always been an older suburb. It has never been and most likely never will be a "cool" place to live and I prefer it that way. I am not looking for "cool". Good schools, sizable home with reasonable taxes and the ability to get anywhere we need by foot, car or mass-transit. FH ticks all those boxes.

  13. An article on stated that the owner signed a three year lease so this was not planned as a short-term or pop-up business. It always looked like they spent $79 to create the space, which had all of the appeal of a rent-a-car office.

  14. Ha, I posted the same thing as a reply yesterday a few posts up, at least we're all on this story!
