
Saturday, December 24, 2016

Happy Holidays!


  1. Happy Holidays, everyone! And to you too, Drake!

  2. I passed by the Station Square tree late on Christmas Eve night and saw the little nativity scene underneath the train station, and even though it wasn't snowing, it was just such a lovely, quiet, peaceful moment. Happy Holidays, Fohi!

  3. Do you have photos of austin street ? thanks, love the blog.

  4. I love ... and rely ... on the blog. Thanks Drake!
    Photos are so lovely and so meaningful.

  5. A new show announced at Forest Hills Stadium, Sears in Regó Park closing, Dicks opening where Sports Authority was (now confirmed), woman pushed by a homeless guy at Forest Hills-71st Ave subway station, and here we are without a post for almost two weeks...Time to switch to a different Forest Hills-centric site?

    1. Oh, and by the way, anyone who's been reading this blog knows I rarely cover crime stories. Watch Eyewitness News or whatever they call themselves these days for crap like that.

  6. Oh! And you forgot about the new hearing aid store opening on Austin near La Baloungerie! Let's have a parade!

    1. Unbelievable! They should have opened on Queens Blvd on that dismal stretch near Cipollina as you head towards Union Tpk. I can't stand it! They just opened another urgent medical and urgent dental care place there, and another window sign reads "Verizon coming soon." I know there's plenty of spaces for rent here, but ugh, how saturated can we get???

  7. FINELY (Dick's sporting)a box store of value coming to our area. They are a fabulous source of all things sporting and do the business with top shelf service and management a clear leader in the space. My only other wish would have been a whole foods at this site even with Trader joe's.

  8. So many requests for Whole Foods, I'm with all of you. They need a good amount of space which is why I really thought the Target location would have been great. If the Chevy dealer on Queens Blvd left, that spot would be great for Whole Foods. Who the heck is coming here to buy a car??? Also, the dull Walgreens shopping strip on QB would be great for WF if they could get rid of the lot and make a second floor.

    1. I Often wondered how the car dealership makes out there.

  9. Meeting Thursday night at 6:00 in Rego Park PS139? For our community to give feedback concerning the bike lanes coming to QBLVD later this year. Everyone is affected by QBLVD so please try to attend! Rego Park and Forest Hills need to participate.

  10. I wish people on this blog would get used to using the 'Unfiltered' section. The original post about the holidays turned into a thread about openings/closings and now bike lanes. Please everyone check the unfiltered section from time to time and post stuff! Others may have given up on reading this entry about Happy Holidays and your interesting comments may not be seen. Drake, maybe you can do another post about that section? I don't know if people are checking it. It has a lot of potential.

  11. I see the last post in the unfiltered section concerned Halloween.

    1. I know! My point was that not enough people are using it. That surprises me since everyone on here seems pretty opinionated!

  12. Did anybody get any good photos of FoHi covered in snow today?

  13. The Christmas Tree in Station Square needs to be groomed. It is looking pretty shabby.
