
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Queens Stands Together Rally in Forest Hills This Sunday

Rally kicks off at 11 a.m. today!

On February 26th let us come together in MacDonald Park united for freedom and equality against bigotry, intolerance and hate. Queens epitomizes the multi-culturalism of America. Our diversity strengthens, enriches and enlightens. Many in the community are quite fearful with reason but resilient in the face of adversity. There is no place for scapegoating communities as the "other." In this uncertain time, this is our opportunity to stand together united in solidarity behind #queensvalues

"We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor never the tormented." 
--Elie Wiesel, Nobel Laureate and Holocaust Survivor

Our coalition is growing and will be updated here. MacDonald Park is walking distance from the 71st Street/Continental Avenue Subway Station and the Q60 bus.

More information on the event's Facebook Page:
Queens Stands Together Rally

The Arab-American Family Support Center
Black Lives Matter of Greater New York
Buddhist Global Relief
Chhaya Community Development Corporation
Council on Islamic-American Relations, NY
Forest Hills Asian Association
Foundation of African Muslim Women in America
Geraldine Ferraro Democratic Club
Honorable Andrew Hevesi, Assemblyman, 28th District
Honorable Scott Stringer, Comptroller of the City of New York
Honorable Jimmy Van Bramer, Majority Leader, New York City Council, 26th District
Honorable Karen Koslowitz, Councilmember, 29th District
Honorable Letitia James, New York City Public Advocate
Honorable Toby Stavisky, State Senator District 16
Imam Shamsi Ali, Jamaica Muslim Center
Indivisible Queens
@[208955165805209:Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (JFREJ)
Make the Road NY
National Association of Social Workers, New York City Chapter
New York State Nurses Association
NYC Muslim-Jewish Solidarity Committee
Queens Connection
Queens Is Not For Sale
Queens New Democrats
Queens County Young Democrats
Picture the Homeless
Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie
Rabbi Beni Wajnberg, Temple Shaaray Tefila
Rabbi Mark Kaiserman and Cantor Deborah Jacobson, the Reform Temple of Forest Hills
Rabbi Rachel Rosenberg, Malkhut, A Progressive Jewish Spiritual Community in Western Queens
Reverend Chloe Breyer, Interfaith Center of New York
Sadhana: Coalition of Progressive Hindus
Service Employees International Union, Local 32 BJ
Showing Up For Racial Justice NYC (SURJ)
Sikh Cultural Society
South Asian Education & Training (SAFEST)
Townsend Harris Alumni Association
Turning Point for Women and Families
Women for Afghan Women
Women's Action Group of Forest Hills
Women's Initiative for Self-Empowerment (WISE)

The organizers of this rally are:

Ethan M. Felder, Founder
Mazeda Uddin
Peter W. Beadle, Esq
Prameet Kumar
Mark Laster
Mohammed Naeem
Alexa Weitzman
Benita Gayle-Almeleh
Edwin Wong


  1. It's a beautiful spot for a rally. Good choice!

  2. Small park will force several thousand protestors into the surrounding streets. Should have had it in Flushing Meadows Park instead. That's more like the center of Queens anyway.

    1. MacDonald Park will bring it much greater visibility than Flushing Meadows. Though I love your positive sentiment that this pro-inclusivity event will draw thousands!

  3. It's time to take to our streets and take a stand for democracy. This is unprecedented times which affects all of us.

    1. Why take to the streets and disrupt traffic with absolutely no fucking purpose? What good would protesting do? It'll only make things worse. How about people give the damn man a chance!? He was ELECTED President! It's not like he was bestowed upon us by a prior dictator. The protests are beyond ridiculous and immature and they only show signs of disrespect for the nation.

    2. Are you kidding? That is exactly what protests are designed to do: disrupt day-to-day life. Interrupt the most mundane activities. Civil disobedience, et cetera.

      45 has been president for a month and he's already proven himself a major national embarrassment. Things could be worse, true, but do you really think we should wait until people start DYING before we take to the streets? We're trying to PREVENT that from happening.

    3. Disrespect for the president is not disrespect for the nation. Because that man does not represent our nation. He certainly doesn't represent me.

      I repeat: RESIST.

    4. A chance to what? Embarrass us all even further?

      I'm not going to wait until after a major disaster takes place before I get angry. How would that help anybody?

    5. Yup. He wasn't elected, he was instated. By Putin.

      At this point, disrespecting him is the most patriotic thing a person can do.

    6. Protests here aren't going to do anything. You think Trump cares about protesters in the parts of the country where it doesn't affect his life? He could care less. If all the protesters from around the country went and protested at the White House instead, that'll have a major effect.

    7. Travel requires money and leisure time and not everyone has those things.

      Besides, I think we're definitely having an effect. Just look at this thread. People are already annoyed, and that's a very good sign.

      Btw, don't you mean "couldn't care less"?

    8. To the 2nd replier: the disruption IS the purpose. That's Protesting 101 right there.


  4. I walked by the protest today, thought there would have been a better turnout.

  5. Facebook showed 940 people "Going" and over 1,000 "Interested". I was there . There couldn't have been more than 500 who actually showed up. Never count on Facebook invitations!
