
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

New Blog Contributor

Hi all,

Just a quick post to introduce myself.  I’ve been a long time reader of this blog, checking in most every day.  Drake has been kind enough to post pictures I send from time to time and is now graciously allowing me to make my own posts directly.

A life-long Queens resident, I moved to Forest Hills over 25 years ago, back when we had Woolworth’s, Sam Goody, Wendy’s, four movie theaters and one strip club (true!).

I hope everyone continues to enjoy reading/contributing to the blog and all things Forest Hills.



  1. Hi, David! I remember the Sam Goody! I even remember BEFORE the Wendy's, when that space was a Roy Rogers! Also, when the place next to the Smoke Shop was absolutely the best dancewear and hosiery store in all of NYC. Miss that.

    The strip club is drawing a blank, though! :)

    1. The HSBC bank on Continental used to be a B. Dalton bookstore! I was just a kid, but my older cousins would always drag me there so they could browse the romance novels. I remember it vividly.

      Oh, how I wish it was still there...

    2. There were actually 2 strip clubs. One next to Burger King, and one next to the 63 Drive train station on the South side of Queens Blvd.

    3. He speaks of neither of those. Austin Street had it's very own strip joint in the 90's! Runway 69-

    4. Winner winner, chicken dinner!

  2. Hello David! It's so nice to see the Edge of the City community growing, looking forward to reading your posts!

  3. If you remember and danced at the STRAND you have history!

  4. Hi David! Ah, the memories... Here's an oldie for you all: Heskel's on Austin Street? And Cafe Moka on Queens Blvd?

    1. How about the Old Homestead on Austin? I also remember the FM Cafe, where the NYSC is now.

    2. The Homestead! That's exactly the kind of store Austin needs rn. My mom loved that place. Now she has to go all the way to the one on Lefferts.

    3. I'm very glad that the Lefferts one is still there, but it's such a schlep.

  5. Didn't we also have a pet shop somewhere near where the UPS store is? I feel like my mom always popped in to visit a parrot...

  6. Don't forget Rouge, the cozy French restaurant that used to be in Aged's space! I like Aged, but I looooooved Rouge.

    1. I'd love ANY French restaurant in FH...

    2. Welcome David, I've been a long time follower of the blog, happy to see it last and thrive :)

    3. Same! Another place like this would be divine!

    4. I liked Rouge too! And that 50's style diner/restaurant also on restaurant row. Can't remember its name. I remember going there the morning after the big regional blackout in 2003.

    5. UJs Diner. Loved it.

    6. was hoping that a French place would replace Danny Brown, the corner location is perfect for a classic brasserie. There are quite a few middle eastern places on Metropolitan already.

  7. I remember buying the single of Notorious B.I.G's Big Poppa at that Sam Goody - in cassette form. I am old. :)

    Also didn't the Chipotle space used to be a really cool antiques store? I remember the beautiful window displays.

  8. anyone remember the store "the Gift of Joy" on Austin?? it was maybe the late 70s, early 80s,,, a Hello Kitty store near where the Hallmark store is now.

  9. I miss the huge Disney store that was across the street from Restaurant Row. My friends and I would go there every chance we could get back in elementary/middle school.

    1. Yes! That store was paradise for young!me!

    2. I know they have one in the Queens Center mall, but it's just not as exciting for some reason. :(

  10. The Wine Gallery in the Dee's space on metro was thee hip hang out in the 70's
