
Monday, September 4, 2017

McDonald's: Mark II

The McDonald's on Continental has reopened with their latest ordering system and updated seating layout.  Customers input order at touch screen kiosks, take a number to their table, and their order is brought to them when ready using digital location technology.  Looks like the only thing missing is the exterior signage.


  1. I have a feeling that this is going to be (at least initially) confusing for my elderly mom and and many of the other seniors that frequent this place. Hope they have somebody helping them out with the touch screen stuff.

  2. This seems unnecessarily complicated.

    What if you prefer to pay in cash?

  3. I am very upset that they did not put in a kiddy playland for our children. That would have been a nice thing for the community .

    1. the store is smaller than the Starbucks on continental where in the actual hell would you put a full size slide

  4. Great news for workers fighting for $ 15.00 an hour living wage

  5. This is the best thing to happen to Continental Avenue in the past 5 years. Who needs a kiddy playland, its just a germ infested, noisy eyesore. The no cash keeps hobos away too.

    1. "Hobo" and homeless are not synonyms. "Hobo" is short for "homeless bohemian", i.e. a vagabond, someone who has no home because they prefer to "ride the rails", traveling from place to place. If you're going to cruelly bash society's most fragile members, at least do it correctly.

    2. Your political correctness is what got Donald Trump elected. Thanks for that. When will you ever learn.

    3. Or maybe I'm a person who used to be homeless myself? Maybe I know what it's like? Maybe I would've given anything back then for just a little damn compassion?

      Nah, couldn't be. Better turn it into a political issue so we can go back to ignoring it w/out feeling guilty.

      It isn't a political issue. It's a human decency issue.

      And btw, racism got 45 elected. Plain old garden variety racism. Anyone who believed otherwise is lying to themselves.

    4. "the best thing to happen to Continental Avenue in the past 5 years" - seriously?! The best thing is that Banter, Reef, Station House, Shake Shack and other places that have decent food opened and are thriving. This "upgrade" is McDonald's desperate attempt to remake their "supersize" image.

  6. They will always have regular cashiers to place your order.

  7. Exactly where would they put the kiddy playland, the space is small?

  8. 1 million times better ; hope the hobos and loungers get the boot -- we don't need/want them in this changing neighborhood...!

    1. No, we definitely don't want the hobos/loungers. I don't know why they have been so attracted to this place. Whenever I go in there's always a couple of people who look like total rejects from society. Where do they come from? They don't look like they live here. Do they take the subway here just to loiter at McDonalds? Weird!

    2. Great. Homeless bashing. Classy.

    3. The "hobos" are smarter than the people wasting their money at McDonald's. At least they don't have to worry about getting fat and diabetic thanks to eating unhealthy Mickey D's food.

  9. Aaaaaargh, of course it would reopen as soon as we leave FH! Looks so much better really (in my opinion). They also have those kiosks in my new Hood in Manhattan and there are still registers open for those paying with cash, as well as someone to help with using them for those who need it. I'd guess it will be the same everywhere they install them. PS: I'll miss checking this blog for some fun local news! I won't miss the eye rolling wannabe bougie comments from some of the peeps here though!

  10. Their Restrooms will still be abused by the homeless.

    1. Then stay out of them. No one is forcing you to go in.

  11. I don't see what's wrong with some people on here being a bit bothered by the amount of unstable people loitering around the 71 Ave area in general. If we are all proud of the neighborhood improvements and mini "boom" that our area might be about to experience, why is it so horrible to not want homeless hanging all around?? We are all interested in quality of life issues here in FH and homeless loitering is becoming a definite problem.

    1. If being afraid of someone who might snap at any moment is wrong, I don't want to be right.

    2. Not all homeless are unstable. I can't even believe that needs to be said.

      Just imagine if you were homeless. Close your eyes and try to picture it. For like, ten seconds, that's all I ask. Where would you go to the bathroom? Where would you go when it rained? Snowed?

      These people are human beings. And so are you. Act like it.

    3. And they can go to a city shelter or hotel where they will be provided with accommodations, get food at those locations or through one of the many churches in the city that offer free food, and also go to a city agency that will help them find work and get them back on their feet. McDonalds would be the last place I would go to.

  12. This is a net win. They still have cashiers for those that prefer that, and the place looks much nicer.

    Lets hope they also hired new staff, because the people that worked there pre-renovation had a IDGAF kind of attitude.

  13. The city and taxpayers provide many services for homeless people, including food and shelter. There is no reason why a private business needs to be a loitering area for homeless people who take advantage of, and put unnecessary burden on, that business. For those that really think this is bashing of homeless people, why don't you open up your home and take the homeless in.

  14. Its a human indignity for a person to sleep on the street and have to scrounge through trash to find their next meal. Our mayor said he would solve this indignity where, he said, his predecessor failed. Seems like our mayor has failed too. What homeless people need is for someone to take them off the street and restore their dignity, not for us to just let them hang around a McDonalds, the subway or the street.

  15. As middle class gets squeezed there will be two outcomes: people move up or down. Unfortunately in America today the first outcome is becoming more and more out of reach. The homeless is sadly an extreme of the other outcome. As more and more tax payer dollars is allocated to military spending and less and less to social services, this will become an issue even the government will be unable to address. Then what?

  16. I heard that sales are much better than expected since reopening.
